A Goodbye Kiss

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A Goodbye Kiss

Mafia AU

*This happens BEFORE the enemies to lovers kiss!*

In the course of her 22 years Pan had never done something as hard as what she was about to do. She had robbed countless of banks and jewelers. She had broken bones of those who had gotten in her way and wounded many others. Yet, the thought of saying goodbye to the only man she had ever loved was tearing her up inside.

Pan had to keep reminding herself that it was for his protection. He was a sweet guy and she couldn't drag him into her world of guns and violence. But the thought of leaving him was breaking her.

They had met over a year ago, on her 21st birthday. Their meeting was like something out of a drama, with her running straight into him and falling backwards before he caught her. As soon as her dark eyes met his baby blue eyes she knew she was a goner. He swept her off of her feet, figuratively and literally. They started off as friends, but it wasn't long before the both of them finally addressed the undeniable attraction between the two of them. They had been dating ever since and Pan was head-over-heels, undoubtably smitten with one Trunks Vegeta Brief.

It had been easy for Pan to hide what her family did from Trunks. She never brought up her family, and he never brought up his, assuming that he didn't have a very good relationship with them. When she was with him, she felt almost normal and she craved that feeling more than ever.

But things could change in a matter of moments.

Pan and Trunks had been out, enjoying what was suppose to be a nice little date when things started exploding out of nowhere. Pan was a little more than shocked than to see her uncle, her father's right hand man, running about the streets of West City in his Gorilla masquerade mask. What surprised her even more was that Diablo, a man just as big as her uncle who wore a goblins mask, was fighting her uncle! Diablo was apart of the Ghouls clan, which had been enemies with Pan's clan since before she was even born.

Pan's shock soon turned into terror because a horrifying fear ran through her that possibly, Diablo could find out who she really was and then tell the other Ghouls. What would be even more terrifying is if The Grim found out who she was. He was The Devil's right-hand man and he was the deadliest member of The Ghouls. Pan was almost his favorite to mess with when they happened to run into each other as well. If The Grim found out who she was, then he could find out about Trunks and that would put him in so much danger.

Pan didn't even want to think of being the reason as to why Trunks could ever be in danger. He was too sweet and too kind-hearted to ever be involved in something like she was... Which was why Pan had to end things.

It was their first date since the incident with Radtiz and Diablo, and all night Pan had been dreading what was coming. Trunks had been a little quieter than usual as well, and she imagined he was still spooked about what had happened the last time they were together. She would never forget the fear in his eyes when he saw her uncle and Diablo... It made her heart ache.

They were passing through their favorite park in West City, hand-in-hand. Pan loved this park. In the winter, when the trees were barren and the snow pulled up on the branches it was breathtaking. Her and Trunks had built snowmen, made snow angels and even skating on the pond. When it was spring, the cherry blossoms began to bloom and it was just as beautiful. Pan would always hold all the picnics her and Trunks had together close to her heart.

Pan knew she couldn't prolong it any longer... She had to just rip the bandaid off.

Trunks stopped walking suddenly and let out a loud sigh. Pan glanced up at him, but he wouldn't look at her.

"Panna," he said.

Pan felt herself let out a small breath. She would miss that name terribly... Especially the way his deep voice would sigh it when he spoke it.

"Trunks," she said. Her voice was shaking and she knew it. It was so much harder than it was suppose to be. She loved this man, why was it so wrong? Why did she have to born into such a brutal family?

"Panna," Trunks said again.

Still he didn't look at her, and she was actually grateful for that because of he looked at her she wouldn't have the strength to do what needed to be done. 

"Let's break up."

The statement hit Pan like a ton of bricks, making her knees weak. She gasped, her eyes widening and filling with tears. What was wrong with her? This was exactly what she was about to do to him, so why did it feel like someone had punched her in the gut. She couldn't breathe all she could do is blink back her tears even though she wanted to scream. She wanted to ask why he wanted to break up, or to try to convince him that they could work out whatever problem he thought was so big, but she didn't have the right to.

"I'm sorry..." Trunks' hoarse voice was a little shaky. He took a deep breath, and took a step forward, his hand slowly unclamping from hers.

"Wait!" Pan clutched her hand around his tightly.

She could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks despite her best efforts of not crying. Trunks had his back turned towards her, but he didn't move as she held onto his hand and tried to regain some composure.

"I know... I don't deserve to ask this," her voice quivered.  "But... Can I kiss you one last time?"

If she could have just one last kiss then it would be okay. She would eventually be able to find the strength to get over him, one day.

Trunks took in a deep breath. His shoulders shook slightly when he exhaled and for a moment, Pan thought he wouldn't do it. She wouldn't blame him if he didn't. Then he turned around and took a step towards her, closing all the space between them.

Trunks free hand grabbed her neck, his fingers curling into her hair as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Pan fought off her sob as her free arm came up to grab his waist. It felt so right. There were butterflies and sparks, just like there was every time Trunks kissed her but this would be the last time she would ever experience that.

Pan never wanted this moment to end. If the world suddenly exploded, she wouldn't have cared because at least she was with Trunks at the end.

All too soon, Trunks pulled back. Her red and swollen eyes looked at him and she could see the struggle behind his blue eyes. He let out a shuddered breath and took a step back from her. Pan's arm fell from his waist limply. He turned around quickly, his glassy blue eyes no longer in her vision. His hand gave hers one last tight squeeze before he let go completely and ran.

Pan watched his figure disappear in a matter of seconds as her lips trembled and her shoulders shook. It wasn't until he was completely gone that she fell to the grass and let out a sob.

The best thing to ever happen in her life was now completely gone.

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