I'll Protect You Kiss

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I'll Protect You Kiss

OWA AU or Vegeta Sei AU
For Maria

Pan yawned as she walked down the hallways of the Royal Squadrons Spaceship. She had barely gotten four hours of sleep, having been woke up at 4  in the morning because of an emergency mission. It took them two hours to get to the planet and Pan had told her squadron that she would be going back to bed for those two hours and to not disturb her unless someone was dying. She was pleased to see that her boys could at least keep them selves alive for that long without her supervision.

Nearing the control center, Pan knitted her eyebrows together. Her boys were usually rowdy, but this morning they seemed even more so, which made her nervous. She walked into the room to see Goten and Link both giggling like a pair of teens as they whispered about something.

"What has you two so giddy?" Pan asked.

"Oh look, Her Majesty has woke," Goten snickered.

Pan narrowed her eyes at him as her cheeks grew warm. She wasn't a Majesty... At least, not yet. I'm just a week, her and Trunks would be getting married. In three days, they would have to begin their rituals, and so this mission would be their last one until after their honeymoon.

"Hi Noona!" Link greeted with a bright smile. "Hyung and I were just talking about the mission."

"That's right, and speaking of the mission, you don't know what it is do you?" Goten grinned. "Since you hissed at us first thing this morning and told us not to wake you."

"Goten don't pick a fight," Gohan sighed from his seat in front of the controls. "The last thing I want to do is listen to your whining after Pan beats you. Plus, give her a break. She was up late going over wedding arrangements with Bulla and Marron."

Pan gave Goten a smirk. "This is why you're my favorite, Han."

"I know," Gohan chuckled.

"Rude," Goten muttered.

Pan rolled her eyes and took her seat near the center beside Trunks' chair. He wasn't in the control room, so she wondered where he was. Knowing him though, she assumed he was getting ready. He always liked to be the first one ready, just in case something happened. It was one of the many things she liked about him.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know what the mission is about?"

"Yep," Tarble spoke as he past her chair and headed towards the steering controls. "And we'll be arriving in about half an hour."

Pan let out a small groan. Maybe she shouldn't have went back to bed and just sucked up her tiredness and grumpiness. "Han, can you-?"

"Of course," Gohan told her.

He pressed a few controls and on the screen in front of Pan an image popped up. It was of a small, silvery planet.

"This is Arthropodina. It was once a peaceful home to insect-like aliens, but that was until another group of aliens arrived."

Pan sighed. "So bullies?" One thing she detested most was a bully, one that had no right to pick on someone simply because they were smaller or weaker.

"Worse," Gohan sighed. "Murders. These are Arachnidians-" he typed a few buttons on his pad to pull up a picture. "They-"

Pan shrieked as soon as the picture popped up. She was out of her chair, shuddering as her teeth clenched together tightly. Arachnidians were nothing... Nothing but gigantic spiders! She let out a scream at the thought.

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