Super Secret Kiss

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Super Secret Kiss

Pan was drunk and she knew it. It was her 21st birthday so it was high time for her to legally let loose and get as drunk as she wanted. The night was starting to blur together and people came and went through the crowds. Bulla has stayed by her side throughout most of the night, but she had left just a few minutes ago and had sent someone else to more or less babysit her... Which left Pan where she was now.

Trunks wasn't much of a babysitter. Actually, he was probably drunker than Pan was at the current moment. She leaned against his arm with a sigh and closed her eyes. She didn't even know what time it was, but the club was beginning to slow down.

Trunks finished his drink before letting out a long sigh. "Tired? C'mon and I'll walk you to your apartment," he told her.

"You're drunker than I am," Pan mumbled as she stumbled off the bar stool.

Trunks chuckled, "probably," he admitted with a grin.

The two made their way out of the muggy club and out into the chilly October air. They were both a bit wobbly as they staggered down the streets of West City, but the longer they walked in the cool air the more they began to sober up. They walked mostly in comfortable silence, the early morning was quiet before everyone woke up to start the day.

They made it to Pan's apartment safely and Trunks even went stumbled up the stairs with her to her floor as she giggled at their clumsiness. Pan leaned against her door with a long sigh as they finally reached it.

"Bulla tells me that work has been crazy for you lately," Pan said, glancing at Trunks.

"Yeah," he nodded. "We're working on new designs for capsules and so just about everything needs to be changed," he sighed. "It's been a real pain in the ass, the stress is crazy."

"You know, they say sex is the best stress reliever," Pan said. If she had been sober, she wouldn't have even dreamed of saying that, especially to Trunks! But she had alcohol in her system and maybe that gave her the boost of confidence she always desired.

Trunks glanced over at her, his eyes darkening slightly. "I might have heard that before..."

"You know, I've been rather stressed lately myself," she mumbled. "The magazine has spiked in popularity and so there's always so much to do..."

Trunks would have had to been stupid to miss the hint she was implying. If he was sober and in his right mind, he would have chuckled at her and ruffled her hair. But tonight, he felt like for once he should do what he wanted to do- as long as she was willing, of course.

He took a step closer to her, and rested his hand against her door beside her head. He leaned down, his blue eyes sparking with mischief as her dark eyes widened in expectation. Her cheeks turned the prettiest shade of pink and she licked her bottom lip.

"Are you saying we should help each other out?" Trunks asked huskily, raising a lavender eyebrow.

Pan smiled at him coyly. "What a wonderful idea," she practically purred and he felt himself give a slight twitch.

"You sure you're not just drunk?" Trunks whispered with a smirk. Although he would love more than anything to pick her up and throw her on her bed and do whatever it was she was wanting him to do to her... He couldn't do it if she was just simply drunk.

Pan rolled her eyes with a scoff. "You're afraid you're taking advantage of me, aren't you?" She asked, hitting the nail right on the head. "Please, Trunks, you and I both know that if I didn't want you to stay then you would have had your ass kicked down those stairs already," she grinned.

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