A "I love you' Kiss

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A "I love you" Kiss

One Woman Army
Vegeta-Sei AU

It had been one week since Trunks had surprised Pan with the sunflowers and asked her to accept his courtship. Since then, Trunks hadn't heard a single thing from her. It seemed as if she was avoiding him and he honestly didn't know how to respond to it.

Trunks let out a small groan and fell onto his bed head first. "You're such an idiot," he told himself. He probably ruined his and Pan's friendship and things would now never be the same.

He let out a huff and dig himself deeper into his bed. Why couldn't he just let things stay the way they had been?

Because you're madly in love with her, a voice in the back of his mind reminded him and he groaned again. Pan had been the first and only girl for him and would always be that.

Trunks heard someone banging open his door, but he didn't bother to lift his head to see who it was. There were only a few select people who were brave enough to just barge into his room like that.

"Oppa," he heard Bulla's voice. "Get up."

"No," he answered stubbornly. "I'm wallowing in my self-pity, now leave me alone."

"You are so stupid," he heard Bulla huffing. "Both you and Pan. Now get up, because I have a plan to get Pan to confess her love to you."

Trunks sat up slowly, and eyed his sister who was standing at the foot of his bed with her arms crossed. "It's been a week, Bulla. If she was going to confess I think she would have already done it."

"Oh, please," Bulla rolled her blue eyes. "Pan's been in love with you since that stupid tournament of yours when you turned thirteen, okay? Do you know that I've probably spent over half of my life listening to her gush over you? Now I'm sick of you two, especially her, not telling each other how they really feel!" She huffed slightly.

"Does she really love me...?" Trunks asked, his eyes wide with disbelief. "She's never..."

"She's full of anxiety, Oppa," Bulla said softly. "She's afraid she's not good enough for you, which is why she still hasn't responded to your proposal."

"WHAT?!" Trunks gasped loudly. "If anyone is not good enough, it's me!"

"Wow, you two really are dumb," Bulla commented dryly. "Now, are you going to work with me into getting her confess or are you going to keep 'wallowing in self-pity'? Cause knowing Pan, she's probably thinking of ways to decline your proposal right now as we speak, because she doesn't want to 'drag you down'."

Trunks jumped up then, "What's the plan?"

Bulla smirked, "follow me," she said, leading the way out of his room where the rest of his squadron, minus Pan, had been waiting.

"Somebody want to tell us what the hell is going on?" Tarble huffed.

"We're about to make Pan admit her feelings, that's what," Bulla stated proudly.

"Well, it's about time," Goten said with a grin. "What's the plan?"


Pan sighed as she walked down the castle hallways slowly. It had been a very long week... Mostly because she had avoided Trunks like he was some sort of plague. She felt awful for doing it, but she didn't know what else to do. Every time she was around him her brain stopped working properly and her heart always felt as if it was going to bust out of her chest.

Trunks had asked to court her and Pan was terrified. Did he honestly want her as a mate? She wasn't anything special... In fact, she'd probably make the worst mate ever for him. How could he want her? It just didn't make sense...

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