Kiss on the Forehead

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Kiss on the Forehead

Vampire AU

It was a quite, peaceful night, which was how Pan liked it. Her dorm was dark, other than the soft glow of the lamp on her desk. She was currently sitting at her desk, a book in her hand as she read quietly.


Pan lifted her eyes, but didn't dare to look towards the window where the sound was coming from. If she ignored him, then perhaps he would go away.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Again, Pan ignored the noise.

Thump! Thump! Creeeeeeak.

Pan fought the urge to sigh as she heard her window open and something hitting her floor.

"That's weird, you're window was locked," her annoyance spoke.

"It was locked for a reason," she spoke, not even looking up at him.

"I'm heartbroken!" He said dramatically, walking up to her desk and leaning against it. Out of the corner of her eye she could see that he had placed a hand over where his heart would be.

"You and I both know that's a lie, Trunks," she muttered. "Plus, I don't recall inviting you in."

He snickered, "you wound me. Also, you already invited me in, months ago, remember?" He purred. "And that's all the indentation I needed."

Pan let out a huff through nose as her cheeks began to feel warm. She would not think about that...

"What are you reading anyways?" Trunks asked, leaning down to look at her book. "Oh wow... 101 ways to kill a vampire?" She glanced up to see him raise a lavender eyebrow and smirk. "Let me know if you find anything interesting," he winked before leaning off of her desk.

Pan rolled her eyes and turn her attention back to her book. "It's late," she told him. The last time she had glanced at her clock, which wasn't that long ago, it was nearing two in the morning. He was usually in her dorm by then, pestering her... Not that she was keeping up or anything. "Let me guess, you were out sucking the blood of innocent young girls?"

"Oh come on," he leaned down so he was in her vision. He smirked, showing his proud, pointed teeth. "There's only one girl I wanna suck and-"

"Don't even think about," Pan deadpanned, trying her best not to blush.

Trunks' smirk fell into a frown. "Fine... if you must know, your noble Prince was out fighting bad guys."

She glanced at him then, "bad guys...? You don't mean..." her stomach dropped slightly.

She knew better than anyone that there were some vampires who were just simply bad. They didn't try to co-exist like Trunks and the others. They wanted to be on the top of the food chain and she had met some herself. Her first encounter with one was actually the first time her and Trunks met... There was something about her blood that made her... 'tasty' so they had said... And yet... Trunks or the others had never tried to harm her. It was strange that the very creatures who were trying to constantly kill her, were the same ones protecting her.

"Don't worry, Panna," he knelt down so he could be in eye-level with her. "I'm not going to let any of them harm you," he promised.

Despite his constant teasing and flirting, Pan knew Trunks was a serious guy. He didn't make promises lightly and although he liked to joke, he could turn serious in seconds.

Slowly, she nodded. She believed him... He had saved her more than once already, although she didn't understand why. He could have easily left her for dead that day, he was outnumbered, and yet, he saved her. That was two years ago, before she started attending West City Jaded Academy. It was the top school in all the coordinate cities, and since the school only allowed 20 students per grade, she had happened to get in by luck. It wasn't until she started the school that she realized that it was a little... special...

The day class was perfect, academically high students. The night class... looked just has perfect as the day class but they had a secret... The entire night class was nothing but vampires.

There were two representatives from each class that were responsible to keep the fellow human classmates away from the vampire students. Pan really didn't have a choice but to become one, considering that her uncle was the headmaster over the school.

Pan had seen Trunks again during her first year, and his second. Due to circumstances out of her control that had to deal with vampires, the two of them had ended up spending a lot of time together over the last few years... Pan was now in her third year, and although Trunks graduated last year, he still came almost nightly to visit.

"I'm not scared," she told him confidently, though she knew it was just a lie to keep him from worrying. Truth was, she was terrified.

Trunks, obviously seeing through her tough facade just gave her a small, sad smile before he stood up and walked away without saying a word. Pan turned her attention back to her book as she heard him getting into her stuff. So far, the book that was suppose to be useful, wasn't at all. Garlic really didn't kill vampires and neither did sunlight, although it could give them a nasty sunburn if they weren't careful. She's never tell Trunks, but the main reason she wanted to learn ways to kill vampires was so that she could protect herself...

Pan read for a little while longer, until her eyes began to grow tired and she could no longer concentrate. She let out a sigh and closed her book before setting it on her desk and stretching as she glanced around her door. If she didn't know any better she would think Trunks had left... But there was a rather large bump in her covers. She walked over to the bed and saw lavender hair sticking out of just the top part of the blanket and let out a small sigh.

"Don't," a hand reached out to grab her wrist as she started to turn around. Before she could do much of anything, the hand was pulling her into the bed and under the covers. "Stay," Trunks whispered, the blankets having fallen from his face.

Pan stared at him for several seconds. He was exceedingly handsome. When he had attended the school, every single girl in the day class would try to break their necks just to get a peak at him. His blue eyes were shinning brightly, even in the dim light. She reached out her hand and gently touched his face. He sighed, leaning into her touch.

It was moments like these that Pan remembered just how sad Trunks was. Sure, he seemed confident and cocky a lot of the time, but it was just an act. He was hiding something terribly sad inside of him. Her hand moved up to his lavender hair and she pushed his bangs back gently. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Pan couldn't quite place the look in them, but they looked almost as if they were begging her to remember something that her mind couldn't.

Slowly, she leaned down and kissed Trunks' forehead. Her lips lingered on his cool skin for several seconds before she pulled away. He was still glancing at her, his eyes wide with surprise and if vampires could, he would definitely be blushing.

Pan settled down beside him, never breaking his stars.

"Trunks..." she whispered, knowing that what she was feeling was horribly wrong. It was absolutely forbidden. It was taboo to the highest extent, but she found herself not caring... That is, as long as she had him. "I love you..."

-Let's add this to the list of AUs that I'll think about a whole, whole lot but will probably never ever write.

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