An Embarassing Your Kids Kiss

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A/N: HI!!!

I would just like to say that this chapter is from the Butterflies verse! If you don't know what Butterflies is... Well, it's my very first Trupan fic!! And my biggest and most precious baby!

This takes place after the current last chapter! Y'all buckle up cause hilarity is coming!

Trupan: In their thirties!
Vegeta Jr & Goku Jr: 17
Akari: 14
Tapion: 12

An Embarrassing Your Kids Kiss - Butterflies AU

Vegeta Jr grumbled as he walked down the stairs heading towards the kitchen where the very loud music his mother was playing was coming from. That wasn't what had woke him though. What woke him up was the delicious smell of breakfast that had whiffed up the stairs towards the bedrooms. His stomach was already growling in anticipation for his mother's gourmet cooking.

Walking into the kitchen, Vegeta's mouth was watering as he saw the table already laid out with some of the family's favorite dishes. His mother really was the best! Akari was singing along to he radio loudly  as she sat the table. His father was sipping on his coffee as his mother fixed his tie.

"Morning honey," Pan greeted him with a smile as she saw him. "Are your brothers awake?"

"Mhm," Vegeta nodded, taking his at the table.

Suddenly, thunderous steps were heard on the staircases before a blur of dark blue hair zoomed up to Trunks and Pan. "Morning Eomma, Appa," Tapion greeted with a bright smile. He glanced at Trunks, his smile widening, "Appa, is-?"

"Yep," Trunks smiled, taking a capsule out of his pocket and handing it to his youngest son. "The part arrived just this morning."

Tapion squealed in excitement as he held the capsule carefully. Finally, the part to his race bike that he had been building was here! He bounced to his spot at the table, making sure to leave room for his brother.

"You sure it's a safe idea to be letting him have a racing bike?" Pan asked with a small frown.

"Don't worry, I'm keeping a close eye on it," he told her leaning down to kiss her cheek. 'And I made sure that it can't get above 60,' he added through their bond, leaning back and giving her a wink.

There was a loud crash and everyone turned to see Goku Jr tripping into the kitchen. He got up quickly, dusting the imaginary dirt off of himself and laughing.

"Go, did you have a fight with your bed?" Trunks chuckled in amusement. The teen's shirt was halfway up his stomach, and he was missing a sock...

"Appa..." Goku said as he took the seat between his twin and little brother. "We're not out of food, right?" He asked quietly.

"Considering that your Eomma fixed such a hearty breakfast, I'm going to have to say no," Trunks answered as he and Pan took their seats at the table. Their table was round, the way Pan had wanted it so everyone would be able to see each other and talk. Trunks and Pan always sat next to each other, and then usually, Akari sat by her mother, followed by Tapion and the twins.

"Why would you ask that, Go?" Pan wondered. "We just got groceries the other day."

"I had a dream that we were out of food," Goku sighed. "It was awful..."

"What a horrible dream," Trunks commented dryly.

Vegeta shivered, "a nightmare indeed."

"I don't think we'll ever have to worry about not having food," Akari commented, pushing some of her dark lavender hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I think you're forgetting that we're rich," Tapion snickered before shoving some pancakes in his mouth.

"We are rich, aren't we?" Vegeta mused  as he looked at his orange juice.

"You just now realizing that, Ge?" Akari smirked as she took a sip of her own juice.

"We are rich!" He gasped, his eyes wide and filling with horror. "That means... that... OH MY KAMI!" He yelled, gapping at Trunks and Pan.

"What...?" Trunks raised a very confused lavender eyebrow.

"That one time when I was six!" Vegeta cried. "I had to use the bathroom really bad so I walked into yours and you two were showering together! Appa, you told me that it was to save money, but if we're rich then why would you have to save money? You two were... you were..." he voice wavered slightly as his cheeks begin filling with color.

"Having sex?" Pan finished the question casually.

Vegeta screamed and Goku spit out his food. "WHAT?!" Goku hollered.

"You're acting like you don't know how you got here or something," Trunks said with a roll of his eyes.

"I know how we got here!" Vegeta huffed, "it's just... my eyes are now scarred!" He howled.

"You couldn't even see anything," Pan defended with a small smile.

She remembered that day quite well... It had been rather embarrassing being caught, because her and Trunks had been so positive all the children were still sleeping. But Vegeta hadn't seen anything, and he believed the little fib that they were just saving money and that they would be out shortly. The rest of the shower after he had left had been quite steamy.

"Yeah, stop acting like you're special or something," Akari rolled her eyes. "All of us have caught Eomma and Appa Having sex."

"One time I saw them doing it on the counter," Tapion commented, causing Pan to almost choke on her drink and Goku to spit out his food again. "I don't see a lot, just Eomma's legs around Appa's waist but it was enough for me to turn around and run back to my room."

"THE COUNTERS?!" Goku cried, food still in his mouth. "THAT'S WHERE ARE MEALS ARE PREPARED! THINK OF THE FOOD!"

Pan rolled her eyes as Trunks huffed. "It's been cleaned several times, okay?" He told his son.

"Oh my Kami," Vegeta gave his parents a look of disbelief. "Is there a place you two haven't done anything?"

"Very little," Trunks smirked, earning a slap from an embarrassed Pan.

"Maybe you two should start locking doors?" Goku suggested, a sour look on his face as he looked at his place.

"It's my house, maybe you heathens need to start knocking?" Trunks suggested back.

"Yeah, we would knock... if you two would just stick to doing it in your room only," Akari muttered.

"Okay, lets change the subject, shall we?" Pan sighed, placing a hand over Trunks' mouth to stop his comment.

Trunks grabbed her hand and slowly took it off his mouth. "I'm still hoping for my baseball team," he told Pan with a smirk as he leaned closer to her.

Her lips twitched in a grin as she booped her nose with his. "Keep hoping, Boxer Boy."

"Well, at least the trying is fun," he chuckled, leaning over to kiss her.

Vegeta shuddered as his siblings all glanced away. "Oh come on!" He huffed, "can we at least get through a meal without you two flirting, please?!"

Me: *clutches this chapter and sobs* I'VE MISSED YOU MY BABIES

Question: Are Trupan really those parents?


Question: Will there be more Kiss Me prompts from Butterflies?


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