A Vampire Kiss

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A Vampire Kiss

C'mon... y'all already know what AU it's gonna be...


Pan was giggling and she didn't even know why. Her and Marron has been at the bar for hours now and although she technically wasn't 21 yet, the bouncer and bartender were both fooled by a rather convincing fake ID. Plus, it's not like she did this frequently. It was the first time she had seen Marron in almost a year!

Marron used to go to the same academy as her, that's actually how they met. When Pan was a first year and Marron a second year. They had become fast friends and now in her third and final year at the academy, Pan missed her friend. Of course, Pan wasn't too lonely. She had a frequent visitor who became whiny and dramatic when she didn't give them enough attention.

Speaking of her visitor... She blinked her eyes as she watched a familiar shade of lavender grow closer and closer until they were right in front of her. She couldn't stop her grin or giggle. He had found her... Of course he had, he always did. She watched him until he was right in front of her, and his arctic blue eyes were looking down at her, unamused. Yet Pan couldn't stop her grin or her giggle.

"You're here," she said happily.

"I am," he told her, gently reaching out and tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. He glared up at Marron now, who was doing her best to avoid making eye contact with her. "You let her get drunk," he huffed at her.

"Oh, come on, Trunks," Marron rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "It's a girls nights, we're suppose to have fun. Plus, I didn't realize she would get this... drunk," she admitted sheepishly.

Pan glanced between the two of them, but her mind was too fuzzy and her body was too warm for her to be paying attention. She reached out to the counter and grabbed her drink and began blowing bubbles into it.

"Do you have any idea of how dangerous it is for you to be dragging her out to a place like this?" Trunks hissed.

"We're not alone!" Marron pouted as she crossed her arms. "Gohan is right over there," her eyes darted to the side of the club and Trunks followed her gaze.

The tall man nodded respectfully once Trunks' eyes caught his, and Trunks nodded back. He felt a bit better now... It wasn't that he didn't trust Marron, it was just that she didn't have the kind of power to protect Pan from others who might try to harm her. If Gohan and Goten were there then Trunks wasn't worried, because he knew both boys would do whatever it took to keep Pan safe, even if she didn't remember who they were.

"If Gohan is here then why did you call me?" Trunks asked Marron.

"Because she hasn't stopped talking about you," Marron smirked, motioning to Pan.

Trunks glanced down at her, and when she sensed him looking she caught his eyes, giving him a shy smile.

"I figured you could take her home," Marron continued.

"You just want to spend some time with your boyfriend," Trunks muttered dryly.

"Maybe," Marron grinned, "but are you complaining?"

Trunks narrowed his eyes at her slightly as she laughed. Of course he wasn't complaining, and she knew it.

"Panny," Marron spoke to her friend. "You know this grumpy guy, right?" She motioned to a pouting Trunks.

"Oh yes!" Pan's eyes lit up. She went to stand up from her stool but slipped, and Trunks had to quickly catch her and push her against his chest. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him. "He's my boyfriend," Pan told Marron happily. "He's a vampire," she giggled.

Trunks let out a low groan as Marron laughed. "C'mon Panna, let me take you back to your dorm."

"Awh, but I want to stay," Pan pouted as Trunks steered her through the crowded club.

Marron watched them until they were out the door, it was then that two strong arms wrapped around her middle and she grinned. She loved spending time with Pan, but once the girl had gotten tipsy Marron knew that she had to call Trunks to come get her.

"Our time now?" Her boyfriend whispered into her ear.

Marron turned and looked up at his dark eyes. He grinned, showing his proud fangs and she shivered. "Our time now," she told him with a nod, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.


"Hey... Hey!" Pan whined as Trunks dragged her down the streets. "I don't want to go home!" She huffed, "I want to dance more."

"You can dance later," Trunks promised her. "Right now, you're drunk.

"Only a little," she giggled.

He stopped walking and turned to face her. Her cheeks were flushed because intoxication and her lips were red. Her hair she usually had nearly brushed was in a mess on the top of her head, but it made her look more tempting... And that black dress she was wearing... The skirt danced around her thighs, the of the shoulder sleeves and the low v-cut exposed so much skin, it was maddening. Slowly, Trunks reached out and traced one of her shoulders before allowing his hands to sweep down the cut. Pan shivered, her lips parting and her eyes widening.

"What do you think you were doing?" He asked her lowly, "going out wearing that?"

"I knew you'd come," she whispered, her eyes becoming lidded as she smirked up at him. "I knew you'd come and you would like it."

Trunks grabbed her then, and the world changed. In just a few short seconds, after the world stopped turning, Pan realized that he teleported them inside her dorm room.

"I hate it when you do that," she groaned at him, but he tightened his grip on her.

On of his hands held the back of her neck and the other her waist. He tilted her head a licked up her neck slowly, causing her to shiver.

"I love it," he breathed into her ear, causing her knees to go weak. "But I don't like others seeing you in it," he said in a low growl. "It makes me want to mark you all over." He had only been at the club a few short minutes but it was obvious that many guys were checking Pan out...

Pan placed her hands over his and gently moved them. She looked up at Trunks and grinned as she reached behind her and slowly unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor with a light thud and kicked off her heels as she backed up to her bed and laid down.

"So do it," she told him with an impish grin.

Trunks felt himself smirking, his shirt was already discarded on the floor and he was loosening the belt on his pants as he walked over to her. "Just remember, you wanted this."

She simply beaconed him with her finger and laughed as he crawled over her, his mouth already finding the sensitive spot on her neck.


Pan's body felt like a ton of bricks. She let out a soft whine as she rubbed her eyes and tried to stop he world from spinning. There was a weight on her stomach and she peaked her eyes and saw Trunks sleeping soundly beside her. Groggily, she moved his arm from her and headed towards the bathroom. Her mind was fuzzy from the night before, but she was wearing Trunks' shirt so she only imagined what they had done, not that she was complaining, she probably started it, she just wished she could remember it.

Pan was half asleep as she did her business and as she went to wash her hands, a sight in the mirror caught her attention and her eyes widened.

"What the hell..." she gasped, noticing the red and purple hickies all over her neck and down her chest. Quickly, she lifted Trunks' shirt and saw that the hickies were almost everywhere! They covered her breasts, her stomach, her hips and thighs... She wouldn't be able to wear shorts or tank tops for weeks!

"That lil'..." she began, her eye twitching slightly before she remembered...

'Just remember, you wanted this.'

Pan let out a groan as she remembered it all. She really had been the one to start it... Why out of all the supernatural beings did she have to have a horny, jealous vampire as a boyfriend?

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