TWO - Lennon's Smoke

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"You'll have fun, you might meet someone." John said as he carefully lit his cigarette. She had no interest for the party he was trying to get her to go to, she wasn't into the rockstar, drug fueled, parties- some made her truly worry for some of the others attending.

John was desperate, every other person he asked had something to do that day, which absolutely baffled him, but he continued to ask everyone he knew regardless.

"I don't want to, really. Last time I went to one of these I saw Mick doing a line off Keith's back--"

"Oh, but you met Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, didn't you? Come on, Mari, you wouldn't have met them if--"

"If you really cared you would've called him and told him about me, do you forget you're easily one of the most famous people in the world?" She said, finally turning around to see John with a cigarette in his hand, blowing smoke out the side of his mouth as to not get it in her face.

"I've told you to not smoke in here, Lenny."

"Come with me and I'll consider stopping."

"Fine," She finally gave up, John giving her a satisfied smile in return, "But if I don't come home with at least one phone number, I'm never going to one again." she said, looking over at him with a pointed look.

John gave her a nod and a smile, smoke exiting his mouth before he took another drag of his cigarette, "I'm sure everyone will be very starstruck."

Mari smiled, she had released her third album that year, it was called Every Soul. It was a huge hit, she was a quickly growing name in the music industry. 

"Ah yes, I can already see it. They'll line up for autographs, I better bring a pen," She smiled.

John laughed, putting the cigarette back in his mouth and blowing another round of smoke in Mari's apartment.

"I'm going to your party, you gonna put it out or what?"

He took it back out of his mouth, "You know, I don't think I will."

She laughed, rolling her eyes and turning back around to attend to the food she had cooking on the stove.

"You should get going, I'm happy for you and Yoko."

John's original intent in his visit was to tell Mari the lovely news of Yoko's pregnancy. Mari could practically smell the mix of emotions from the man-- though it could have just been the smell of his cigarette smoke wafting through her place. 

John looked at the woman with a confused expression, "Get going? It's only 4:00," he glanced to the clock on her kitchen wall, it read 5:30. His eyes widened in a state of panic, he quickly got up from the bar-stool, mumbling repeated profanities under his breath, moving to the front door to make his exit. He was meant to be back home by 5:45.

"It's been a pleasure, I'll call you about the party sometime later!" He exclaimed as he rushed to the door.

"Bye John!" Mari barely got the words out of her mouth before she heard the door close. 

She continued to make her meal for the time being, though once it was done she found that she wasn't very hungry. She ate anyways, as to not waste a meal. John told her the party would be the next night, he would drive pick her up and drive them there. She asked him where exactly he'd be driving her to, to which he replied, 'Ah, some music producing bloke, what's it matter anyway?'. 

She was a little excited to go, now that she knew she was going. She liked to meet new people in the industry, and she wouldn't have had anything else to do that afternoon if she wasn't going. She was dying to know who would be there, but John didn't know.

She continued to eat her food, going to bed at a surprisingly normal time. Good day ahead of her, best be prepared.

* * *


Slow start, I know. Every chapter will be at least two-hundred words longer than the last, though the next chapter should be lengthy anyways.

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