THIRTY - A Lodger

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"What the fuck is your problem?"

David scowled at Corinne, he was met with complete disdain and somewhat disbelief.

"Get the fuck out my way, Corinne." He demanded, watching her scowl turn even deeper.

"No. If this is what this shit turns you into, then don't expect to hear from me for a long time."

David tried to move past her, she was blocking the door. He had a meet up scheduled with his drug dealer.

David felt as if he was going crazy.

He'd been drug free for two days, he needed something to wake him up, something to bring him back to life.

"Corinne, get the fuck out my way or you're out of a goddamn job."

He spoke through a clenched jaw, his tone more serious than ever.

She couldn't help but pause, looking him in the eyes with disbelief. His expression didn't change, his scowl still remained engraved deep into his face.

"Go do what you want, David."

She finally moved out of his way, he avoided looking at her as he opened the door to exit his apartment.

He exit the apartment without words, Corinne looking in the direction he'd just left in with mixed emotions. Pity, sorrow, disbelief, frustration.

He wouldn't let her help him, he wouldn't let anyone help him. It was so frustrating, and he only got worse by the day.

She didn't know what to do, no one knew what to do to help him.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the telephone began to rang. She figured that she might as well answer it since David wasn't there to take the call, and it could be important.


The person on the other line hesitated before speaking, not expecting the feminine voice that answered on the other line.

"Is David busy?" Mari asked as she realized who it was.

Corinne couldn't help but recognize the voice, Mari was showing up on television more and more lately with different interviews on all kinds of different broadcasts.

"Yeah, he just left." She answered, barely overhearing a slight sigh from Mari in what she assumed to be disappointment.

"Where did he go?" Mari asked, curious if it was somewhere she'd be able to find him.

"I don't know, a dark alleyway to go trade nose cartilage with some stranger."

Mari held in a laugh at the comment, "He went to see his dealer?" she asked.


Mari sighed, "When do you think he'll get back?" she asked, tapping her fingers on the dark green telephone she held.

"Probably a couple hours, I don't know. Why?"

"The moving process hasn't taken as long as anticipated. He told me when I needed to I could stay over at his."

Corinne hummed, "Call him back in a couple hours, he should answer." she said, glancing out the apartments window.

"But don't be surprised if he's completely insufferable when you call him."

Mari nodded, "It'll be fine, I can handle it."

"Is that all you needed?" Corinne asked.

𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝘼𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛, 𝘽𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙚!Where stories live. Discover now