TWENTY NINE - Soulmates

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JUNE, 1975

"You can't go?"

"No, not tonight. We're going out to Stevie's."

Mari rolled her eyes with a smile, "God, I hate famous people."

John laughed, "You'll live."

"I'll go myself, then."

"Don't get too hammered." John said.

Mari's usual drinking buddy, Mick, was out on tour. The Stones would be out touring the states for about two months. She was dreading it, but she did hope to catch them perform.

"I won't."

"Alright, have fun."

The two ended the call, Mari leaning back and sighing. She considered whether she was really going or not, though ultimately decided she'd go crazy stuck inside her apartment all night.

It was half empty, she was about halfway through the process of moving everything out of it and into a moving truck to be shipped to Algeria, then to Germany. It would take at least a month, she wasn't looking forward to the process. She would stay at John and Yoko's place while her things were being shipped, but they were already so busy half the time, they didn't need something else to worry about.

She got dressed in bell bottoms and a white bell sleeved top, slipping on a pair of clogs. She didn't even bother to accessorize before she left the apartment complex.

She was walking alone through the city once again, she knew that wasn't a wise decision, but she never really cared much. She did her best to take in the surroundings around her, she knew that in a matter of time it wasn't something she would be able to do anymore. Not here, anyway. She much preferred the idea of doing it elsewhere, so she didn't mind much.

Yet, she could never deny the 'somewhat' beauty of the city, usually at night. She did find it a little offensive, the amount of times that she'd been mistaken for a street-worker, but it had died down with fame.

When she entered her usual bar, she sat down without checking to see anyone around her. Little did she know, there was a familiar man right close to her.


She hadn't even thought about ordering a drink before the man tapped her on the shoulder, she looked over to see the familiar sunken-in facial structure, distinctive eyes, and red hair.


A smile slowly formed on the two's faces, "How are you?" David asked.

"Wonderful." She replied.

"How's moving going?" He asked, watching as Mari's face fell in the slightest.

"John told you?" She asked, realizing she'd never really gotten to telling David about the move. She supposed the last time they'd spoken must've been on Bob Dylan's birthday, all her calls since then would go to voicemail.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"I'm sorry I never told you, all my calls went straight to voicemail." She said, watching him shrug.

"It's alright, I've been quite busy." He told her.

Mari licked her lips, somewhat avoiding eye contact before asking another question.

"How's the movie?" She asked, watching him shrug again.

"It's going alright, I had to stay in London for a week for filming."

"Did you visit family while you were there?" She asked, watching as he grimaced.

"No," he answered, "I think my mother pretends I'm not hers." He said, letting out a small chuckle towards the end of his sentence.

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