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"What about, like....Nine Simone?"

David furrowed his eyebrows, "...What song?" he asked, words slightly muffled by where he kept his head close to the back of her head, the bottom of his face partially buried in her hair.

The two were trying to think of something David could cover on his upcoming album. He would record whatever they came up with when he got back to the city.

"I don't know, what song do you like?" She asked, her hands tracing shapes onto David's forearms that laid across her stomach, pulling her into him.

"I bet I could do Wild is The Wind." He answered.

She smiled, nodding, "That would be really good." she told him, earning a smile from him in return.

"I thought so."

A moment of silence passed, the two artists settling in the moment, taking it all in. This was the last day David would be in Berlin. He had to go back to New York and start recording, he had other gigs to play. Neither of them knew what would happen after then, whether they'd call each other, whether Mari would have the time to visit him, though they could only hope they wouldn't drift apart from each other.

"What's on your mind?" David asked, breaking the silence.

Mari slowly began to turn around, David releasing his hold on her so she could turn to lay on her other side, facing him. 

"What happens when you go back home?" She asked, "Is this over? Will it be the same when I come back to the city?"

He shook his head, "I thinks so."

She hummed, pursing her lips, "Will you tell anyone about this?" she asked, watching him raise his eyebrows, huffing a breath.

"Maybe Corinne. She'll probably lose her mind, though." He said, "She doesn't think I'm in the right state." he said, watching Mari nod.

"You aren't, really." She said, "That's a lingering guilt of mine, for getting you into this sort of thing when you aren't in the right state of mind."

"I'm doing fine. I could be better, but I'm fine." He reassured, taking hold of her hand and watching as she pursed her lips.

"You could be better." She said, watching him nod, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You're the first person I've ever admit that to." He acknowledged, watching her smile softly.

"I'm proud of you for being better than before, you look a little healthier, you know?" She said, her eyes darting over his features and taking note of the changes.

"Do I?" He asked, "What's different?"

She hummed, thinking, "You look more alive. Your cheekbones are less sunken in, your eyes are less lifeless. Your hair looks better, if that makes sense, and you have this glow to you. You look gorgeous." she listed.

"Did I look bad?" He asked, chuckling as she hesitated to answer.

"No, don't laugh! You didn't look bad at all, there were just times that you looked like a corpse. Really thin, pale, eyes sunken in, things like that." she said, the lingering smile on her face slowly fading as she got into detail of his condition.

He hummed, thinking about her words, letting them sink in. 

"I don't want to leave here, Mari." He sighed, lifting his arms to pull her closer to him.

"I know. I don't want you to leave either." She said, feeling his grip around her waist tighten as he held her against his side.

The two sat there, listening to the birds chirping outside as the sun rose. It was early in the morning, neither of them planned on doing anything. They'd probably just stay in all day and enjoy the time they had together.

"Do you think I could stay longer?" He asked, "I could cancel my flight, get another one some other time." 

She shook her head, "You told Corinne you'd be back tomorrow. I love Corinne, I don't want you to get on her nerves."

"I suppose you're right, I do enough of that as it is." He said, pausing, before coming up with another idea.

"What if I tell her I missed my flight?" He asked, feeling her chuckle.

"I think she'd make you camp at the airport until another flight to the city was available." She said, listening as he laughed with her.

"You'll be better off without me for a bit. Let the press settle down, John's practically filling a whole photo album with clippings of us out of the papers. You need some time to think about things." She said, David laying still as she spoke, listening to her words carefully.

"I feel better when you're there." He said, Mari's face heating up at the words before laughing.

"What?" He asked, a lingering smile on his face at the sound of her contagious laughter.

"You always say things like that! You make me so nervous." She said, earning a laugh back from him.

"Like what?"

"That's what makes it worse, you don't even do it on purpose." She said, a smile on her face as she looked up at him, "There's just these little comments you make every now and then that get me all nervous and stuff."

He looked at her for a moment, a smile on his face before he spoke "That's just cause' you like me." he shrugged, listening to her laugh in response.

"Alright, casanova, let me put a record on." She teased.

David let go of her and watched as she got up from the bed and moved to her large shelf full of records, carefully skimming through the records for a specific title.

"Tell me, do you have a special section in the shelf that's just my records, or are they all scattered around the whole thing?" He asked.

She looked back to see a smug look on his face, "I sold them, actually. Why listen on a record player when I have the real thing right here?" she said, watching him roll his eyes with a smile.

"You didn't really." He said, though he wasn't too sure himself.

She hummed, "You're right, I didn't." she said, finally finding what she'd been looking for, Chelsea Girl by Nico.

"I have that one." David said as she moved to the record player, taking the vinyl out of the sleeve.

She looked at him, he was still laid out on the bed the same way he'd been before she got up, "Whatever I pull out of that shelf, I'm confident you'd have it."  she said, carefully placing the vinyl on the player before walking back to the bed as it began to play.

She laid back down next to him, he pulled her close, The Fairest Of Seasons by Nico settling into their ears as they adjusted their positions back to the way they were.

"Living the dream." He mumbled.

She stared at him as she began to laugh, "Funny, I don't want to wake up." 

The two smiled, it was bittersweet, but the rest of the day didn't change much. They didn't go out, they didn't do anything productive, but they must've listened to around seven records, going to sleep when the day was through.




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