TWENTY EIGHT - Back on Track

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Mari woke up in her apartment the next morning with a slight hangover, though full recollection of the night before.

Bob Dylan's birthday.

It was all she could think about, still recollecting the events as she got dressed to go downstairs and check her mail, finally making it down to the first floor and over to her assigned box.

Her agent informed her it would be important throughout the next several days to check her mail, her offer for the house she was buying in Berlin was being finalized, these were some of the last papers she'd have to sign before beginning to ship her things. The whole process would most likely take up to about a month, she wasn't looking forward to it, but she knew it would be worth it once it was over.

She took out the envelopes that were in the box, scanning through them as she closed the box back up and began her journey back to her apartment. There were interview offers-- despite the fact that interviewers should know better than to contact Mari first hand, usually they would go to her assistant, but one envelope stuck out to her.

That was it.

It was the paper she'd been waiting for, the last one she'd need before she was finally out of the city. She couldn't stop smiling as she made her way back to her apartment, she knew she probably looked crazy, but she couldn't care less.

Lately, she'd considered moving to the city to be one of the biggest mistakes she'd ever made. She felt as if she would have so much more artistic motivation if she were somewhere else, somewhere quiet. That envelope that she was holding meant she would finally be out of it.


David was just sobering up by the time he arrived in the trailer, ready to have his hair and makeup done for filming. He was so tired, he needed something to drink or eat, but he didn't feel like asking. He'd barely said a word since stepping inside the trailer, he did his best to greet the makeup artists and hair dressers in a polite manner, but other than that he hadn't said anything.

The people around him were beginning to notice, they would glance at each other in worry as David would force his eyes shut, battling with one of his migraines and God knew what else. The only conversation in the place was that among the workers.

About thirty minutes in, David finally broke out of his half asleep trance, opening his eyes and observing the vanity he was sat in front of. There was a magazine placed on it, he could only assume it was what the girls had been reading before he arrived. David recognized the issue, it featured a recent photoshoot that Mick and Mari had done in promotion of Mari's new single. It featured Mick, they had finally been able to release despite finishing it much earlier on in the year, David didn't know the cause in delay.


Candy Clark was entering the trailer, she was already done getting ready, she'd gotten to her trailer before David had gotten to his.

David opened his eyes and looked at her reflection in the mirror, his piercing stare along with the wary looks she was receiving from the makeup artists and hairdressers gave her an idea of the kind of mood he was in.


"Nicolas wanted me to check and make sure you'd gotten here on time." She answered.

David hummed, listening as she left soon after a silence settled in. She would've asked him if he was feeling alright, but she figured with his irritability that he wouldn't be too happy with her asking him in front of everyone else.

"Alright, we're all done."

A woman tapped David on the shoulder, getting his attention as he looked up from the vanity at her, then to his reflection. He was a big fan of how he looked in this movie, Nicolas said the people watching would be too.

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