EIGHT - Jagger Talk

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The dinner had gone well.

The whole night, really, Mari even managed to get David's number if she ever needed to call him. The day afterwards, she had begun her walk to the studio early that morning, having a session scheduled for the day with Mick. She loved studio sessions with Mick, there was never a dull moment.

It took around thirty minutes after Mari arrived for Mick to finally show, though this gave her time to talk with her producers about the track they were working on.

Her plans for the future meant that she wouldn't be working on a record for a year, which pained her to even think about, so she felt required to release a couple singles here and there. One of which would feature Mick Jagger, who she knew was happy to be included.

Mari and Mick met through John, though it was back when John was still a Beatle. She was quite young, around nineteen or twenty.

"About time you show!" She turned from where the sound engineers sat as Mick walked in, a broad smile settling on his face at her words.

They hugged, Mick looking down at the woman to roll his eyes, stepping back but keeping a hold on her shoulders.

"I've got a great idea for this and we have to start before I lose it." He said, his eyes wide and a smile still ghosting his face.

She laughed, following close behind him as he sat down in one of the chairs.


About an hour in, the two had almost finished writing lyrics.

"Right, then here I think we should give Macy a solo." Mick said, referring to Mari's guitarist.

"Well Macy's not here yet, we should take a break for a minute." She excused, getting tired already.

Mick raised an eyebrow, "Since when are you dying for a break this early on?" he asked, leaning back in his seat.

She sighed, "I went to dinner with John, Yoko, and David last night, I'm tired. Didn't get home until late."

"David? David who?" Mick asked, furrowing his eyebrows together, not understanding until Mari gave him a look.

"Bowie?!" He said, gasping, a smile lingering on his face.

"Yeah, Bowie." She confirmed.

"Since when were you on first name basis with David Bowie?--" Mick laughed, crossing his legs as he sat up in his chair.

"It's not even like that! We've only just met at that party the other day."

"Oh my God, I'd forgotten all about that! I was meaning to ask you what that was all about."

"What what was all about?" She asked, head tilting in confusion.

"You carrying him out of there like he was dying."

"He might as well have been at the time."

"What happened?" He said, intrigued.

"I was in the bathroom and he collapsed on the door, I had to take him home because I didn't know where he was staying."

"Ah." Mick nodded. She'd had to do that for many people, at some points he felt sorry for her, but he'd always laugh later on.

"I didn't even know he did all that stuff, there were injections in his arm and stuff."

Mick paused, eyebrows furrowing, "Injections?"

Mari took a moment, "...Yeah? Like, heroin."

"He doesn't like heroin." Mick deadpanned, almost as if he was speaking to himself.

Now it was her turn to be confused, "Well he had two or three track marks on his forearm. They were definitely new."

"Well someone must've put him on it, because he doesn't do that stuff. All I've ever seen him on is cocaine and pills."

"Looked like he was on tranquilizers."

Mick hummed in acknowledgment, taking a glance at the clock on the wall before looking back to Mari.

"Did Leila ever send you those papers for the house in Berlin?" he asked, leaning back in his chair once again.

She shook her head in response, "No, not yet. She called me this morning though, said that the sellers were working on getting them to her. Don't know what the hold up is, really."

He nodded, "I still don't understand what you're moving for. There's nothing over there."

"That's the point. I hate it in the city, I only moved here in the first place because I thought this was where all the famous people hung out." she said, looking up at the ceiling.

"You weren't far off."

"Well I don't like it. I want to go somewhere quiet."

"Quiet places get on my nerves sometimes."

"They would, wouldn't they?"

They both laughed, continuing to talk until Macy finally showed up, apologizing for being so late. Mick and Mari didn't mind, it gave them time to talk.


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