TWENTY - Fear of Flight

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MAY, 1975

Mari had gotten up early so she'd have time to get ready. She was already packed, she needed extra time to call John and Mick. She wanted to be the ones to tell them she was going to Berlin with David for a week, that way they wouldn't find out through the press (again).

"Hey John."

"Hello Mari, having a lovely day I assume?"

"Of course John," she said, smiling as she glanced at the clock on the wall that read 7:00.

"Listen, I don't have time to talk because I have a flight in about an hour and a half and I still have calls to make. I wanted to let you know me and David are flying to Berlin--"


She laughed at his shock, "Yeah, we're staying there for about a week. I'm checking out the place Leila sent me and we're gonna do some recording, some shows--"

"It's far too early for this. I can't process it."

Mari sighed, "We're just going to Berlin for a week."

"Alright, I see..." John paused, thinking, "But I still have a question."

"What is it?"

"Are you two a couple?"

"Oh my God, you've gone mad!" She exclaimed.

"Answer the question!" He continued.

"No, we're not a couple!"

John began to laugh, "Well you could've fooled me."

She rolled his eyes as he continued laughing, leaning against the wall and checking her watch.

"Do you like him?" John asked.

Silence followed.

"Marionette Vienna."

"No, I don't like him." she interrupted him before he could say anything else.

John went silent, a grin on his face as he spoke.

"Alright." he said. He decided it was best to stop bothering her, though he couldn't say he wasn't having fun.

"Thanks for letting me know." he said, "Did you just want to let me know before the press let me know?"

She nodded despite John not being able to see her, "Yeah."

"Then I suppose I'll see you in a week."


"Bye, have a nice flight."

Mari hung up the phone and sat in silence for a moment.

Did she like David?

She was going to Berlin with him, it sure did seem that way. He flattered her, he made her laugh, she found him undoubtedly attractive, they'd been spending a lot of time together, but she'd never really thought about it before. Maybe she was trying to ignore her feelings. It might be better off that way, with her plans to leave this place.

She'd think about it some other time.


David and Mari met up at the airport, both of them attempting to be subtle, yet David was being escorted by a body guard.

Mari saw the man from afar, lifting her sunglasses to make sure she was seeing things correctly. She decided she wouldn't question it.

David had an immeasurable fear of flying. His worst fear was dying in a plane crash, he usually went on boats, or any other substitute in order to get to where he was going. However- he didn't want Mari to feel like she was a nuisance on him, he really did want to go on this trip.

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