TWENTY TWO - When She's Gone

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David'd eyes slowly forced themselves open as he pulled himself out of a dream he didn't care to remember, it was the first night in a long time in which he didn't suffer from a severe night terror. Withdraws weren't fun, he was sure this would be a very long week. He was so shocked he got sleep last night, let alone slept through the night, he couldn't see it happening again any time soon.

He stretched before sitting up, looking to his right and seeing Mari asleep on her bed. She never did wipe the streaky makeup off her face, she looked like a mess. He got up and laid his hands on her side, trying to nudge her awake.

"Mari, it's time to get ready."

Her eyes opened, he ceased his actions as she gained consciousness.

"What time is it?" she asked, looking around. Her vision was too hazy to read the clock on the wall.

"10:03." he answered.

She put her head in the pillow and let out a muffled groan, she hated getting up in the morning.

"I have to take a shower, I probably smell like shit." she said, standing up and making her way to the bathroom.

"What time did you say we had to be there?" David asked just loud enough for her to hear from the bathroom.

"12:30!" She answered.

Knowing her, she would probably make an effort to get there earlier than she needed to. She didn't take long to get ready, apart from her makeup. It was depending on how she felt.

David opened his suitcase to search for something to wear, finally settling on a silk button up and jeans. He laid it out on the bed, finding it far too risky to get dressed when Mari could walk out of the bathroom at any given time. He should've taken a shower the night before, he was dying to get the remaining gel and product out of his hair.

He began to look for the watch he left on the nightstand, possibly the only thing he'd bothered to take off the night before, when he noticed Mari's notepad and pen sitting on the nightstand. He was just barely able to recall her getting ready to write before he went to sleep, he felt bad for not staying up to write with her with how he behaved at the studio.

He picked up the notepad out of curiosity and began to read what she'd written.

The first thing he noticed was her unique way of writing lyrics. She hadn't done this when they were working together in the studio, it must be something she does when she's writing alone.

She used a bullet format with lines of poetry, likely trying to find an order to put them in.

Sweet name, I call you again, you're born once again for me

In this age of grand illusion you walk into my life out of my dreams

He liked what she'd written, she thought the two lines were beautiful.

He turned the page to see a proper title at the top of it, Word on a Wing, followed by the actual piece she'd written.

In this age of grand illusion, you walk into my life

Out of my dreams

I don't need another change

Still you force your way into my scheme of things

He thought it was gorgeous.

He didn't have time to read the rest of what she'd written as he overheard Mari get out of the shower. He put the notepad back where he found it and turned the T.V on like he'd been watching it the whole time.

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