THIRTY ONE - Love is Careless

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(This chapter may trigger emetophobia)

Corinne opened the door that morning to see David and Mari laid out, practically on top of each other on the sofa, both asleep, empty beer bottles littering the coffee table.

"Christ..." she mumbled, slowly moving closer to see the pair better.

They were practically draped over each other, both piled out towards the corner of the sofa. David was turned on his side on the edge of the couch while Mari was on the other side of him, her arms around him and her face against his back. Corinne couldn't imagine Mari's position to be comfortable in the slightest, David's back had to have been bonier than a wooden deck.

She couldn't help but wonder what had happened, obviously they'd been drinking, but she didn't think Mari would've been fond of progressing any further. She was a very closed-off woman, Corinne didn't think of her to be the friends with benefits type.

She wanted to laugh, thinking about how embarrassed David would be when he woke, but she couldn't. She knelt down and gently nudged the man, it was three times before he began to wake up.

His eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the light, before he saw Corinne's face in front of his. After a look around, he began to stretch before Corinne stopped him.

"Don't move." She hastily whispered, holding her hand out to stop him from moving.

His eyebrows furrowed before he realized his position, he turned his head to see Mari's arm resting on his side.

"Shit." He mumbled, his face flushing as Corinne barely stifled her laughter.

He looked up at Corinne with a pleading look, trying not to chuckle when he noticed she was inches away from bursting into hysterical laugher.

"Help me, oh my God."

She let out a chuckle, then continued to hide it, before finally doing her best to gently lift Mari's arm off of David's side. David practically rolled off the sofa, as soon as he hit the floor the urge to throw up hit him.

He mumbled profanities as he got up off the floor and ran to his bathroom, leaning over and throwing up in the toilet, he'd never had a hangover kick in so fast before.

Corinne got up from her knelt position and observed Mari, to her surprise, she hadn't even began to wake up. The blond was still sleeping n soundly on the couch, her arms had huddled up next to her, putting her in something similar to a fetal position.

The woman looked away from where Mari laid on the couch and turned her attention to the direction in which David had gone upon the sounds of struggle coming from the direction, quickly deciding she'd better go help him as he struggled to breath due to the steady stream of vomit that he hadn't been able to cease.

"David?" She called, making her way to the bathroom.

She was greeted with the scene of David hunched over the toilet on his knees, finally getting over his struggle as she entered the room. Her lips parted as he looked up at her just before closing his eyes and turning himself so he could lean back on the wall.


"No," He interrupted, his eyes still closed.

"I already know what you're going to say."

Corinne pursed her lips, watching as David opened his eyes and searched for a rag to wipe his mouth on. She tossed him a clean one that was still folded up on top of the vanity.

"I just want to know how much coke you did last night."

David paused, taking the rag away from his mouth as he began to speak.

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