THIRTY TWO - Visit Me, Part One

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JULY, 1975

12:00 in the morning on the first of July.

Mari couldn't sleep, no matter how hard she tried, her eyes wouldn't close. She couldn't get her mind off of how vastly her life would change within the next twenty-four hours.

She had a flight the next day, a flight to Berlin, one that would take her to her new home. Not an apartment in the city, a small house in Oranienburg. She would meet up with a friend of hers that day, a friend that would help her move into her new home, the same friend that sent her the advertisements for the piece of property earlier that year. To be expected, not the entirety of her things had been shipped, but enough for her to fly to Berlin and expect them to be there by the time she arrived.

She was sat up on the sofa in David's living area, the same place she'd slept for the past two days. Her eyes were wide open, she couldn't close them if she tried. David was out of sleeping pills that hadn't been prescribed to him. She didn't know what to do with herself, she felt so out of place.

She couldn't help but think, how did she get there? She couldn't help but recall the events that led her there-- she wouldn't have been there if she didn't let John take her to that party, she wouldn't have been there if she hadn't taken David home.

She found it silly, really. Such a big time in her life and all she could think about was the man in the next room over.

When she really thought about it, he changed her path. Ever since she found his records, she'd been inspired by him, but now his health was slowly and heavily deteriorating and she was one of the only people that knew.

Of course, the press knew of his addiction. Everyone did. It was common knowledge ever since the interview he'd done with Dick Cavett the year before, he was so out of it, he could barely answer a single question without drifting off into nonsense-- but no one took it seriously.

She couldn't help but feel obligated to take care of him, he had always been an important figure to her. She was drawn to him, in a way, and it wasn't a good thing.

She couldn't let him hold her down, not with the place he was in.


David woke up, the sun shining in his face as his eyes fluttered open. As they did, he heard music playing in the next room over. Mari had put a record on, he didn't mind.

He stretched before finally sitting up in the bed, turning and putting his feet on the ground. As he walked to the door, the record she'd put on became more and more apparent, Sad Song by Lou Reed finally being what he recognized the familiar tune to be.

He opened the door to his bedroom, looking around the apartment to see Mari on her usual spot, cross-legged on the sofa with a notepad in her lap, writing away. He loved how passionate she was about writing, he found it admirable.

"Morning." He said, walking over to the sofa.

He chuckled as she jumped, "Christ..." she mumbled, looking up at where he approached her from behind.

"You can't just creep up on me like that!" She laughed, watching him smile as he sat down next to her.

"Sorry, won't happen again."

He looked down at her notepad, "What are you writing?"

"Nothing much." She answered, closing the notepad and laid it on the coffee table, setting her pen next to it.

She glanced at the clock on the wall, it was 9:07, she, David, John, and Yoko were going out to eat around 12:00.

"We should get ready." She said, watching him raise an eyebrow at her.

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