FOUR- Pain Killers

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David had a painful wake in the morning, immediately being hit with the worst hangover he'd ever had. He didn't notice the unfamiliar environment until after around five minutes of writhing in pain, seeing if he could possibly just go back to sleep despite feeling as if he'd just fell from a tall building.

It wasn't just his head, his arms hurt, and as he felt around he noticed pains on his side. Lifting his shirt he discovered a dark bruise-- the outcome of the collapse.

He finally sat up, struggling, and looked around. His vision was hazed, he could barely see where he was, but he knew he didn't recognize it. He was confused when he realized he still had clothes on, usually that wouldn't be the case on mornings like this. He then checked his pockets, making sure he still had his wallet, then noticed his car keys were missing.

He mumbled profanities as he continued to look around the room, hesitating to get up. If he got up, he'd have to deal with even more consequences of whatever he did the night before.

He finally pulled himself out of bed with a groan, experiencing a brief struggle to support his own weight, then finally walked out of the room. He'd never been in a situation exactly like this before, one where he didn't have the smallest idea of who might've brought him home that evening. Just before he turned the corner, he heard a woman's voice. He peeped around the corner, be saw a blonde woman talking on the phone.

"...Well did Mick not tell you he was hanging onto me for dear life? He couldn't walk...Well I was getting ready to leave the bathroom and I hear a big 'bang!'! Scared the shit out of me, and then I open the door and David Bowie had collapsed onto the door..."

David couldn't help but be embarrassed as the woman turned around, a look of pity bore on her face as she recalled the situation. She was Marionette Vienna, a very talented musician, whom also happened to be one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen.

"...I really thought he overdosed, I was terrified. Do you two have time in the studio any time soon?"

Time in the studio together? This made David grow painfully curious at who she was on the phone with, clearly it was someone he knew.

"...I don't know, but I should get going, he may wake up soon." she glanced at one of the clocks on the wall, 12:42 in the afternoon.

She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone, rushing to the kitchen to tend on whatever she was cooking.

David stood still for around five minutes before walking into the kitchen, he felt that it would've been odd for him to show up right after she ended her call, also taking more time to process the situation.

Finally walking from around the corner, he traveled to the kitchen, Mari not noticing his presence for about thirty seconds until she turned around to move a carton of eggs.

"Oh, you're awake-- do you need painkillers?"

He appreciated her immediate question considering pain killers, as that was exactly what he wanted. He usually had his own, but they were in his car.

"Yes, please." he said, watching as she took a bottle of water out of the fridge and a bottle of medicine out of one of the overhead cabinets.

"Sorry, I hate to do this before proper introductions but I already know you'd rather have these than my name." She said quietly as she took three tablets out of the bottle and handed them to him, along with the bottle of water. She watched as he took the pills, leaving the bottle at his side.

"I'm Marionette Vienna, I'm a musician," the woman paused, turning back around to continue tending to the stove, she was making scrambled eggs.

She turned back around after a moment, watching as David hesitantly began to speak.

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