FIFTEEN - Tabloids

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"Happy birthday Mari!" John said as soon as Mari answered the phone. She smiled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. He'd woken her up with his call, it was already 12:00pm. She'd gotten home late, saying goodbye to David after he walked her back to her apartment building.

"Thank you John." She said groggily, rasp in her voice.

"Did I wake you up?"


"Good." He deadpanned as Yoko handed him the papers. She was talking about something in the newspaper, but Mari couldn't hear what.

"Holy shit!" John laughed under his breath, though there was still a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"What is it?" Mari asked, messing with the telephone cord.

"You and your best friend made the papers." He said, speed-reading what was written underneath the photo of the two.


"You and David."

She sighed, "Well, yeah, we were at the Grammy's last night. I'm sure we did."

He scoffed, "No, it's a picture of you two walking together after the Grammy's! There's one of you two walking together and one with both of you laughing together on a park bench."

Her eyes widened and her heart sank, "Shit." she said under her breath.

"Yeah, shit. The article's talking about how you two wouldn't step away from each other all night, which could have--"

"Been avoided if I'd taken more solo photos, I know John. I've really have to call David now, so--"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, no you're not! You're gonna tell me what you two were doing!"

She groaned, "I left to go to the bar and he found me, we decided we'd go for a walk, I saw a bench and suggested we sat down!"

"Oh, yeah, did he find you or was he looking for you?"

She paused, hesitating to answer the man's question. She smiled to herself as John gasped.

"Oh my God, that's where he went, he went looking for you!"

"I need to call him. I'll see you later."

She hung up on him before he could ask anymore questions, quickly dialing David's number.

She waited for the ringing to cease before she began talking, "The paparazzi saw us on our walk last night."

David's eyebrows furrowed at her words before he remembered their night.

"You're joking."

"The article says we're attached at the hip." She scoffed.

"Oh my God." He sighed, laying back down on his bed with the telephone still in his hand.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, you probably wanted to be alone. I shouldn't have come looking for you."

"I loved your company, I had a lot of fun." She corrected. He sighed again, processing her words.

"Alright. Well I'll see you later."

"You too, bye."

She hung up the phone and got ready to head to Mick's place. She couldn't help to remember when the party actually started, but she had nothing to do beforehand so she decided she would just hang out around his place until people started showing up.


She stuck her car keys into her jacket pocket as she knocked on Mick's door, waiting for an answer.

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