TWENTY SEVEN - Dylan's Thirty Fourth

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"There was another thing I wanted to ask you about..."

Mari watched from her chair as the interviewer pulled out some magazines from behind her desk and handed them to her, all of which featured different photos of Mari and David on the front cover.

"What's your relationship with David Bowie?"

Mari flipped through some of the pages, a section of which were exclusively photos of her and David performing in Berlin.

She closed it and looked back up at the interviewer, "Very friendly." she answered, smiling as she sat the magazines down next to her.

The woman nodded, "Are you sure?" she asked.

Mari thought of it to be one of the stupidest questions she'd ever heard, as if she wasn't sure of her own relationship with a man.

"Yes, I'm sure."

She watched the interviewer nod, clearly sensing Mari's steadily growing irritation.

"Right, and were you two in Berlin for reasons other than to perform?"

Mari nodded, "Yes, I've been looking for a place to stay in the area and David decided he'd tag along."

The woman raised her eyebrows, clearly skeptical, but she still had more questions.

"Did you participate in any drug use?"

Mari scoffed. David's drug usage had a recent infamy in the press, one of his crew members having spoken up about the arguments he and David would have backstage due to his drug fueled irritability.


Mari simply shook her head in response, looking the woman in the eye as she made her response clear.

"What's someone like him like in person?" The interviewer asked, watching Mari's expression change as she heard a question she was willing to answer properly.

"He's very funny, very witty, very smart. People like to dumb him down lately due to his drug usage, but I feel that doesn't change a person's value, he's not ghost-like like the press calls him, he's got a great personality."

The woman nodded, listening to every word Mari said, "How close are you?"

Mari shrugged, "We last spoke about a week ago, though I've got a party to go to today where we may run into each other."

"What kind of party?"

"Bob Dylan's throwing a birthday party," Mari answered, "John Lennon asked Dylan if I could come, gratefully he said yes, but I'm just gawking that Bob Dylan knows who I am." she laughed, the interviewer laughing along as the topic swayed to a different lane.


Mari drove to the event wearing what she had left in her closet, the rest was either dirty or still shoved in a bag at David's apartment. She'd never gotten to picking up her luggage, she doubted she really would.

She had a brown bralette on, a beaded necklace, a shawl, and a maxi skirt on, all paired with her favorite pair of clogs. You could just barely see them through the bottom of her skirt.

She hadn't arrived too early, nor too late, she made a point to arrive at the perfect time so she wouldn't have to speak to anyone she didn't know.

Mari drove to the event wearing what she had left in her closet, the rest was either dirty or still shoved in a bag at David's apartment. She'd never gotten to picking up her luggage, she doubted she really would.

She had a brown bralette on, a beaded necklace, a shawl, and a maxi skirt on, all paired with her favorite pair of clogs. You could just barely see them through the bottom of her skirt.

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