EIGHTEEN - Our Lyricism

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Mari and David had another recording session scheduled which Mari woke up far too early for. She couldn't sleep the night before, she decided she wouldn't look into why. It would only stress her out.

Of course, Mari being Mari, she got ready and head over to his place earlier than scheduled. She hated the idea of sitting around at the studio, alone, she knew it would be the productive thing to do but she wasn't a productive person.

Little did she know, David had a similar issue.

David couldn't sleep after the first day of filming, they'd been up far too late reading over the script. He wanted to let them know he knew what he was doing, he knew how to read a script, but he hated to get heated on the first day of filming. He didn't get home until around 10:00pm, then didn't sleep for the rest of the night. He was thinking about how the movie would effect him, the whole 'sober on set' thing.

He had nothing to do, somewhere along the line he got up from his bed and began to look through an old box he had shoved deep in his closet. The box was labeled 'demos', it was filled with bunches of cassettes with songs he'd forgotten about on them. He sat and played different songs on his tape deck, he thought he might be able to find something of use.

David was caught off guard by the sound of someone knocking his door. He sighed, he didn't even remember having anything to do for the day other than a recording session with Mari, but that wasn't until around 1:00. It was only 8:00.

He waited for whoever was at the door to invite themselves in, but they didn't. They just continued knocking. He finally got up from his seat on the sofa and opened the door.

"Good morning." Mari said as he opened the door. There was a tired smile on her face as she leaned against the door frame, watching his face curl into amusement.

"Isn't it a bit early?" A twinkle in his eye as he questioned her.

She nodded, "Yeah. I couldn't sleep."

He studied the woman's look for a moment more, then moved to allow her in without any words. She smiled and walked past him, closed the door behind him and watched her look around. She'd never been here before.

"I like your place." She finally said, turning back to face him.

"It's quite depressing these days." he commented.

Mari looked different without makeup on, or her hair done. Not a bad kind of different, she was still beautiful. She was wearing a maxi skirt and a zipped up jacket that covered her torso, she'd slipped on a pair of sneakers on her way out the door. A maxi skirt and sneakers was never a combination David thought he'd see.

"Would it kill you to slip on a pair of jeans?" he joked, watching as she looked down at her flowy skirt.

"Yes, I'm allergic."

Mari focused her attention on the tape deck that sat on top of David's coffee table. She looked back up and the two locked eyes, she lifted an eyebrow as to ask 'What's up with the tape deck?'.

"I was listening to old demos before you got here." he explained, watching her nod and sit down on the couch, the same place he was before he got up to open the door.

She looked down next to the couch to see the box of David's demos, he sat down next to her as she picked one of the tapes up and examined it.

"Got any favorites so far?" She asked, eyes on the ten or so piled up on the table that David had already listened to.

He looked at the pile and leaned over to pick one up, it was labeled 'Tired of My Life', and handed it to her.

"This one."

She put the other tape back in the box and looked at the one David had just given her. She read the name and looked at the man next to her, then back at the tape. The date on the tape read 14/5/71. She leaned over and put it in the cassette desk to play it, listening to the pretty harmonies and melody.

"That's gorgeous." She said, listening to the lyrics.

'Put a bullet in my brain, and I make all the papers...'

The lyrics were all quite depressing, Mari couldn't help but wonder what he might've been feeling when he wrote it. She loved it, the harmonies were so concentrated and beautiful, they were raw, they had feeling to them. The whole piece did.

"That's beautiful. Really good, you could use that." She said as the song finished.

David nodded, "Yeah. I want to find a use for it, I just can't think of anything."

"I'll try and help when I have the time."

The two sat in silence for a moment, their lack of sleep getting the best of them. It took more of a toll on Mari than it did David. He was more so used to it by now.

"What's on your mind?"

Mari looked at David, replaying the out of character question in her head. She hesitated before deciding to answer.

"I got the papers for that place in Berlin I mentioned."

He nodded, "That's good."

She nodded along with him, "Yeah. It is." She began, "But I have to go check the place out next week. I have to go to Berlin."

His expression was impossible to read as he processed what she'd just told him.

"What's wrong with that?" He quietly asked, afraid of sounding insensitive.

"I only know one person there and she's working all week."

He nodded, thinking. He weighed out his options right then and there, his first thought being something along the lines of, 'Well why don't I just go with her?'. The issues were there, of course. He hated flying, and that would be the obvious choice of transport. He had to film a movie, but he could surely postpone for a week, right? However, it would be productive when you consider recording sessions.

The silence was loud, the two both deep in thought, Mari waiting for a response from David.

"How about I go with you?" He finally decided.

She looked at him, mouth slightly agape.

"You don't have to do that, David."

He shook his head in protest, "No, I want to."

"You have a movie to film, you can't just leave--"

"Yes I can, I assure you."

She went silent, trying to think of another excuse. She hated to bother him, she probably shouldn't have even brought it up.

"I swear, Mari. It's not a bother, I'd love to go."

She sighed, looking at the mans sympathetic expression.


She watched a smile form on his face, "We could even preform together." he said, leaning back on the couch.

She laughed at his childlike excitement, running a hand through her hair as she anticipated the upcoming week. It would surely be interesting.


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