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JULY, 1976

"Your new album, it's very different from Every Soul."

Mari nodded along with the interviewers words, "It seems very personal, more personal than your past several projects, would you say that moving to Berlin has changed how you work?"

She hummed, deep in thought about her answer, "I wasn't ever very happy with how Every Soul turned out. I was afraid if I didn't try something new I would be just as unsatisfied, so I changed things up. All I've been doing for the past months is writing." she explained, "I'd definitely say Berlin has changed the way I work, but it's also changed me in many ways beyond that."

The interviewed nodded, listening intently to Mari as she spoke, "How so?" she asked, Mari humming before giving her answer, "I don't think I should say. They're all quite personal." she answered, the interviewer kindly nodding, "Then we won't talk about it."

"The album is called 'Forthright', so things as they are, no filter. I suppose it was bound to be personal." She explained, the interviewer nodding with a smile.

Over the past months or so, Mari had grown to love interviews. She was at peace with the press ever since moving to Berlin, though upon the release of her new album, things were slightly different. It reminded her how harsh critics can be from time to time, but she pushed through. She had better things to worry about.

Her new daily routine was wake up at around eight in the morning, get dressed, go to an interview, go to another interview, maybe a photoshoot, go home, write, and then go to sleep. It may seem repetitive, but it kept her content. She wouldn't ever find herself going to the studio just after releasing something new, she found it to be better on her to take a break for just a few weeks.

She continued on with her current interview, kindly wishing well for the interviewer and heading off back to her home. It was late, there wasn't much for her to do, though as soon as she got home, she had a call.

"Hello?" she said, the phone up to her ear, as she listened to the voice on the other end of the line. It was Leila.

"Zoey's saying she can't go on tour." She said, referring to their guitarist. Mari's lips parted, Leila listened as she slowly sighed.

"No, you're joking." She finally deadpanned, Leila chuckling dryly, "I wish." she responded, Mari groaned, leaning up against the wall, "How am I going to find an English speaking guitarist in the middle of fucking Berlin within the next three weeks?"

"You'll just have to play yourself." Leila answered, listening as Mari only groaned again, "You know I suck at guitar, I've only been practicing for a few months." she answered.

Ever since moving to Berlin, Mari's producer, Brian, had been teaching her how to play guitar. It was something she'd always been interested in but never taken the time to learn.

"Why don't you ask if Brian can come with us? It's a decently short tour, would he really mind?" Leila asked, Mari shrugging in response.

"I hate to ask that of him. That, and he hasn't been talking to me as much since the album came out. I don't know what his problem is."

Leila thought about Mari's words for a moment, long enough for Mari to notice the silence, "Hello?" she asked, Leila finally speaking up, "He hasn't spoken to you?...You were attached at the hip for like three months, what do you mean he hasn't spoken to you?"

Leila was right. Ever since meeting, Brian and Mark got along extremely well, that's why they were able to get the album out decently fast— or faster than she'd been able to release her past records.

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