THIRTY SIX - Leap of Faith

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She could barely go to sleep that night out of pure excitement. She hadn't seen him in so long, when she heard his voice over the phone she figured he would just let her know he was back from New Mexico, not offer to visit.

When she woke up the next morning at around 10:45, she'd forgotten about the whole thing. She walked around her house and cleaned up a little, just because she wanted to keep the place clean, then made herself something to eat. She sat down in her living room with the T.V on as she wrote lyrics.

Until there was a knock at the door.

She tried ignoring it, but another one came soon after. She groaned and got up off the sofa, making her way to the front door.

More knocks came, "I'm coming!" she shouted as she just began to open the door.

When she saw who was on the other side, her heard skipped a beat.

The familiar red hair, blond roots, defined features, beautiful eyes was what she'd opened the door to. He had a small smile on his face, like he was eager for something, but it widened when he noticed that she'd opened the door-- It wasn't until then that she remembered the call she'd received the night before while she was on the edge of sleep.

Before he had the chance to say anything, Mari pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, listening as he laughed at her enthusiasm.

She swung him back and forth as he reciprocated her actions, his arms around her as tight as they could be.

"You miss me?" He asked, looking down to watch her step back and nod with a smile.

He laughed as she let him in the house, though his laughter settled as he looked around for the first time.

"It looks great in here." He said, rolling his luggage in behind him as she watched him take in the place.

She smiled to herself as he looked at every detail, the decoration she'd put up, the greenery, the books, the records sitting in the corner. She had candles lit in two places, one on the coffee table in front of the sofa, another in the kitchen.

"God, I feel like it's been years since we saw each other." She finally sighed, watching as he looked back at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Well, it has been a month. That's a while, yeah?" He asked, watching as she chuckled.

She paused, watching as he looked at what she'd been watching on the T.V before he got there, "Let's go out to eat." she suggested, even though she'd already eaten about ten minutes beforehand.

"Alright, you should probably get dressed though." He said, nodding at the pajama set that she still had on.

She looked down at what she was wearing and chuckled, "Yeah, good idea."

She walked past him and made her way to her bedroom to find a change of clothes, then to the bathroom to change into them.

David continued to look around as she changed into her outfit, sitting down on the sofa and waiting patiently for her to come back. When she finally came back, she wore a black sweater that hung off her shoulders and bell bottoms. A cross necklace hung around her neck, and the clogs she wore clicked with every step she took.

"I don't know many places around here yet." She said, picking up the T.V remote from the coffee table and turning it off, then grabbing her car keys off the same table as she put the remote back down.

"We'll find somewhere, I'm sure."

The two drove around for about thirty minutes, Mari showing him around, before they finally settled on a Cafe Mari wasn't familiar with.

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