TWENTY THREE - Drunk, Crazy

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The two woke up the next day, David waking up every now and then in the middle of the night with intense hot-flashes. The day was busy and coordinated, it would be the first time in two days that Mari and David would have to split up.

David had an interview scheduled, an interview that would air live on television, while Mari had to meet back up with the owners to get some papers for the house. After she did that, she would pick David up and drive them to the venue they were performing at. There was an afterparty scheduled, but David was more of an afterparty person than Mari was, so there wasn't a guarantee that either of them would be there.

"David, wake up." Mari sighed, shaking him awake.

The feeling of her cold hand against his bare arm was enough to wake him.

"Not now..." He quietly groaned, his eyes screwed shut.

"You have to," she said, almost whispering, "You have an interview at 8:30."

David sighed and shoved his face in the pillow, scrunching his face up and stretching his arms.

"What time is it?" He asked, turning his face to the side.

"7:00." She answered.

He sighed again, closing his eyes and hoping she'd let him drift off to sleep.

"How about this," she began, "You can sleep while I get ready, I'll wake you up when I'm done."

His eyes were still closed as he nodded.

"Thank you."

David tried as hard as he could, but for the life of him he couldn't sleep. All he could do was lay down and listen as Mari took a shower. It was still dark, Mari hadn't opened the curtains as to not bother him.

He finally sat up as she was stepping out of the shower. There was a towel around her body as she stepped out of the bathroom to grab some clothes from her suitcase, just to see that David was still awake.

"Sorry." She said, "I forgot my clothes."

He nodded, his face burning red as he subtly glanced at her every now and then, watching her pick out her outfit for the day and make her way back to the bathroom to get dressed. She was grateful she'd left the curtains down, he could barely see her anyway. She didn't care much. He was equally grateful, he didn't want to come off as a creep.

He got up from bed, running a hand through his hair. He felt awful. Cravings were harsh, he felt overstimulated. One second he was too hot, the next he was too cold. He ran a hand down his face and stretched as Mari entered the room again, this time with a proper outfit on.

"You can open the curtains," She said, "I kept them closed so you could sleep."

He looked back next to his bed where the windows were and did as Mari suggested while she sat back on her bed and turned the T.V on.

"You can get ready, I don't know that I'll put any makeup on." She said, glancing at the clock on the wall.



David and Mari exit the hotel, both in unique shape. Mari decided she'd take her makeup bag with her in the back of the car, she'd do it backstage before their performance. David decided he would do something similar with his hair, it was all in his face instead of staying in his usual slicked-back appearance.

"I look a mess." David said, trying to fix his hair in the rear-view mirror.

The two were stuck in traffic, it was 8:20. God knew if David would be able to make it on time, but it wasn't their biggest concern.

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