THIRTY THREE - Visit Me, Part Two

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The group of four were eating their food in silence, for the most part. David and Mari made most of the noise, whispering jokes to each other and laughing while Yoko and John gave each other knowing looks every now and then.

"You two alright?" John asked, David and Mari laughing harder at something Mari said to him.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine." Mari confirmed, wiping the forming tears away from her eyes as David tried to compose himself.

"People are looking at you two."

"We get paid for people to look at us, John." Mari chuckled, David finally calming down next to her, facing downwards as he placed his head in his hands and took deep breaths.

Mari turned to him, "You're so dramatic!", she whisper yelled, nudging him in the arm.

David started back up again at her words, barely able to talk through his laughter.

"I-I can't breath..." He managed, listening as she began to laugh again, leaning into him and hitting him on the shoulder.

John couldn't help but notice the shade of red that took over David's face at the contact, though he wasn't sure if it was just because he was laughing or if he was flustered-- probably both.

"Jesus Christ." John mumbled, he and Yoko laughing at the musicians.

"You're going to get us kicked out!" John chuckled, David and Mari trying to take deep breaths, trying not to look at each other because they knew they'd start laughing again.

"Sorry." Mari giggled, going back to eating her food.

"Yeah, sorry."

After a moment of silence, David and Mari still sporting downturned smiles on their faces, John began to speak.

"Paul's coming down sometime after the baby's born," he said, "He was wondering if you'd come down and see us while he's here."

Mari looked up immediately, eyebrows up as her interest was peaked, "Depends on when." she said, watching John look at Yoko, then back at Mari.

"Should be around October."

"I can try." She said, taking a bite of her food.

"You won't be recording anything, will you?" John asked, hoping he wouldn't make a dent in her schedule.

"I hope to be, but I have to see the baby." She said, watching him nod as he looked back down at his plate, a satisfied look on his face.

David couldn't help but wonder if she'd come and visit him every now and then, but he hated to make the conversation about him. He stayed silent instead, but John could see the conflict in his eyes.

"I'll probably be down here a lot anyway." Mari said, earning interested looks from the rest of the group.

"How come? I thought you wanted to get away." John questioned, watching with a keen eye as she nodded.

"I do, but there's things here that I know I'll miss."

John couldn't help but think about how eager she'd been to move the year before, looking for places nonstop. He remembered how thrilled she was for her friend to send her those papers for the place in Berlin, she would always talk about how perfect it was and how she couldn't wait to get away from the city and everything it had to do with.

Something had changed.

She'd been hesitant lately, he couldn't help but notice. There used to be nothing holding her back from moving away, now everything had changed. Something had changed her mind.

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