THIRTY NINE - Remember Times

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Mari's eyes were scanning the large area of the airport, looking for the person she was meant to see.

That's when she heard him.


It was the nasally, Liverpudlian accent she'd always been fond of, her eyes darted to the source. The same long hair she'd had to say goodbye to about two months beforehand, it was John.

"JOHN!!" She shouted, running down the escalator to get to him through the crowd of people.

"Oh my God, I missed you so much!" She exclaimed, pulling him into an immediate embrace.

He picked her up and spun her around, emitting a short yelp from the girl, "I thought you'd forgotten about us!" he said, "And you'll never believe who's back at the apartment."

Her eyes widened as he put her down, grabbing her forearm and beginning to hastily lead her out of the building, "He got here before me!?" she asked, barely able to see the nod he gave in response.

"They got here yesterday, they're staying here for a couple days." He said as they stopped at the luggage pickup area.

Just as they got up on the area, her bag was visible. John grabbed the bag himself and continued on, "Christ, the hell are you carrying in this thing?" he asked, the bag almost too heavy for him to carry.

"Just about everything." She answered, following him as he quickly made his way out of the airport, waving over a cab.

"Will David be there?" Mari asked, earning a knowing side-eye from John.

"He heard you were coming and thought he'd show." He answered, "Hasn't been doing the best lately." he told her as a cab stopped next to them.

He put the luggage in the trunk as Mari got in the backseat, John sitting next to her. After he told the driver where to go, he continued.

"I need to ask you something, too." He said, Mari looking at him with an arched eyebrow.

"What is it?" She asked, watching him hesitate before speaking.

"What the hell happened with you two the last time he went to Berlin?" He asked, Mari's eyes widening as she shrugged.

"Not much." She answered, his expression shifting to one of brutal disbelief.

"Yeah, okay, be serious." He said, "Every time we mention your name he's got this look on his face. Can't place it for the life of me."

Mari shrugged, "I don't know, something must be up with him." she excused, looking out the window as they passed by shops she remembered once going to.

John looked at her, "Mari."

She turned and looked at the pleading look on his face, "Please, please, please, tell me. I'll die if you don't tell me, swear."

She laughed, "Fine, but don't tell anyone else."

A smile replaced the desperate look on John's face, "Alright."

"...We might've kissed."

John's eyes widened larger than Mari had ever seen them, his eyebrows shooting up as he leaned forward in the slightest, trying to make sure he'd heard her right.

"You what?" He asked, keeping his tone at a whisper.

Mari pursed her lips in anticipation of what John would say for the rest of the car ride, needless to say this would be what they were talking about for the remainder of her trip.

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