FIVE - In the City

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Sometimes Mari would ask herself how she ended up in certain places. Not considering place, but time; how did she get to this point? What if she woke up and it was all a dream?

There were certain observations Mari made as she walked through her part of New York that made her want to get as far away from the place as possible, along with every single time the press harassed her as she was taking a smoke, or going by the shops. She wanted to go somewhere that no one would recognize her.

She'd been looking at countless places in the newspapers throughout her last tour, she finally got a good look around some places last year, and she had finally decided her best option to get away would probably be a place like Germany or Japan.

She thought would think even further of her options as she walked through the city that night. She knew she shouldn't be walking at night, though she didn't really care. It was the night before the dinner John had invited her to, she would go, though she didn't really feel like it. She just wanted a reason to talk to David. 

Isn't he married?, she thought, though she couldn't recall seeing a ring on his finger. One thing she did begin to recall was a photoshoot she saw in a magazine sometime in '72, him and a woman called Angie Bowie. Were they still married? She'd have to ask John sometime.

She took out her pack of cigarettes and lit one, passing an alley or two. One of which had the unmistakable whispers of a drug deal, a very common occurrence this time of night. Suddenly she saw something that caught her eye; the unmistakable copper colored hair lingering in front of her. His slender figure was walking a ways in front of her, hopefully he didn't stop, she really wasn't in a conversational mood. 

Mari kept an eye on him as he continued to walk, her head down in case he looked back for whatever reason. She watched as he made a final turn down an alleyway, she stopped walking, in pure disbelief, peeping around the corner and watching as she listened to him carefully speak to another man.

She then continued to walk.

It was none of her business what David decided to do with his life. They barely knew each other, their whole meet was only a right person at the wrong place sort of situation, she couldn't see it ever happening again. Not with how David spent his money.

Despite them barely knowing each other, she did find herself worrying for him. She knew the side effects of the things he was doing, and she knew they weren't to be looked at lightly. She could tell they were already taking heavy tolls on his weight. Sooner or later it would likely take effect on his eating habits, if it hadn't already. She doubted he ever got sleep, or any rest at all apart from the moments of unconsciousness.

She couldn't help but wonder what dinner may be like this time tonight, he may not even show. God only knew.

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