FORTY - Light Reassurance

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The atmosphere between the two was thicker than ever before. They went through the whole car ride barely speaking a word, walking through the apartment complex next to each other, the only real interactions being their hands brushing against each other every now and then.

"I really did miss you, you know?"

David sighed, leaning against the wall and holding on to the railing of the elevator as Mari broke the silence.

"You never called." He said, not sparing a glance at the woman.

Her lips parted, her eyes flashing with guilt as he acknowledged the mistake she knew she made.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I've been really busy." She excused, earning a sour look from David.

"It's fine." He mumbled with a slight shrug, though it clearly bothered him.

"No, it's not. I should have called." She continued, "I'm sorry." 

He didn't look at her or say anything, not moving until the elevator door opened and he got out. Mari followed close behind him, following him to his apartment. She remembered exactly where it was.

The apartment was a bit cluttered, there was cocaine residue on the coffee table, along with a couple empty bottles of beer. 

"Sorry I didn't clean up." He sighed, as if being in the place drained him completely.

He moved to the coffee table and picked up a couple of the bottles, Mari following his actions, throwing them away as he did the same.

"It's alright." She reassured, tossing them in the bin.

When the two finally had all the empty bottles thrown away and off the table, Mari blew the remaining powder off the table before sitting down on the sofa next to David, who picked up the remote and turned on the T.V.

"Corinne'll probably stop by tomorrow morning." He told her, she looked at him before nodding.

"What for?" She asked, David looked over at her.

"Someone from my band checks on me every morning." He answered, she nodded with understanding.

She looked back at the T.V, though David's eyes lingered on her for a bit longer. He finally looked away, his head racing with things he couldn't really tell her.

He was trying to be irritated. 

She hadn't called him in months, he hadn't heard from her at all. It irritated him at the time, but now that she was back, he couldn't help but forgive her. Why? Why did he forgive her so easily? If it had been anyone else, he wouldn't want anything to do with them.

"I'm glad you decided to stay with me."

She looked over at him, he was just turning to her when they locked eyes, "I'm glad you let me." 

Silence took over the two, both of them trying to think of a way to start a conversation, "When's the last time you and Paul saw each other?" David finally asked.

Mari shrugged, "I don't think we've seen each other in five years." she answered.

David hummed, "John was telling me how happy Paul was to see you." 

She laughed, "I thought his eyes would come out the sockets." 

David chuckled along with her, the first time he'd cracked a smile since being in the complex.

"Those days with The Beatles, they were a bigger deal than I thought they'd be. I really thought they'd have forgotten me by now." 

He hummed, nodding, "Wish I could've had such an exciting rise to fame." he said, she turned to him and raised her eyebrows.

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