FORTY SIX - The Forth Day, The First Month

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Will he really be willing to get better for me?

Would he be willing to get better for anyone?

It was twelve O'clock at night. David was laid next to Mari in her bed, fast asleep. Her thoughts had been running rapid for the past four hours that David had been asleep. He'd been doing quite well, though he hadn't set foot in his own apartment for the past three days. He kept telling her he didn't want to be alone, because full recovery was something he knew he wouldn't be able to do by himself. But by no means did he want to put any sort of weight on her shoulders. He just wanted to see her and feel like he was improving, because at the end of the day, he was. 

David was so scared of putting any sort of pressure on Mari that whenever he felt like crying, or felt like breaking down, he would leave. Whether it was just him sitting on the floor of the bathroom for twenty or so minutes or him taking a step outside, the last thing he wanted was for her to see him in a state similar to what he was all those months ago.

Instead of drinking, which was David's latest problem, along with pure depression, he would go to sleep. He was always sleeping. At first the amount he slept had concerned Mari to the point of her suspecting he'd held on to some of the sleeping pills he'd been hooked on when they first met, but he reassured her repeatedly that that was definitely not the case. It was as if he were making up for the sleep he'd missed throughout his two years of insomnia. For the past four days of living with Mari, all he ever did was sleep and write. 

Mari didn't like this at all. Of course, it was better than his behavior from before, but she didn't think it was healthy, and she didn't see him getting out of his depression with this sort of routine. In this moment, one in the morning laid next to David, she realized that this wasn't going to work. Just then, she turned her head to look at him as he slept. Her windows were open, the full moon casting light on his features. His lips were parted open, and she knew any slight movement would wake him up, he was always a light sleeper. She sighed, looking at the clock again, going back to sleep and waking up again at eight in the morning.

Sunlight shown through the blinds this time, she looked to see that David, just as expected, was still sleeping soundly.

She sighed, shifting closer and lightly running her fingers through his hair. She loved the new natural color of his hair that he'd began to embrace. This was all it took for the man's eyes to flutter open, he let out a short groan before locking eyes with Mari.

"Hm...What is it?" He hummed, stretching, blinking a couple times to adjust his hazy vision. She watched as his eyes adjusted to the light shining through the window, then looked at the clock, then back at her. 

"I want to go out." She said, her voice low. He shifted closer to her stretching his arm to go around her waist and pull himself closer to her as he laid on his stomach, his face against the pillow turned to look at her, "Go out...?"

She nodded, "Yeah. I want to go out somewhere, like a restaurant or something." She elaborated. He still seemed baffled at the thought of going out instead of staying in all day and feeling miserable for himself, his latest daily routine that he'd become so accustomed to. 

He hummed at her suggestion, "Where did you have in mind?", he asked. She shrugged, "I want to go shopping, out to eat. We could make a day out of it." 

David wasn't extremely fond of the thought of going out. He was never in the mood anymore, he didn't have the motivation. He thought for a moment, "Would you be heartbroken if I declined this offer and went back to sleep?"

He looked up again from his place on the pillow to watch as her entire face scrunched up in distaste, "You've been in here for days, David. You've barely eaten, you haven't gone outside. The only things you've done for the past several days are sleep and write. You can't possibly think this is healthy." She lectured, getting up out of bed and slowly beginning to take the covers off of him, getting ready to drag him out of bed. 

He turned his body around, laying on his back before beginning to sit up on the bed frame. He wasn't wearing anything but an old pair of joggers, the same ones he'd been wearing for three days. The entire time he shifted, his eyes were trained on his arms, his collarbones, his ribs, "I suppose I could eat."

He looked up at where she stood before him, her lips pursed as she shook her head in dismay.

"We're going out."



I'm baaaack, got so insanely caught up with school and everything, short chapter but im so happy to have the time to write again.

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, feel free to comment and/or vote!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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