NINETEEN - Reckless

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"I'm going to Berlin with Mari for a week."

Corinne didn't know how to respond, she was shocked silent.

"What?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she held the phone closer to her ear. Maybe she heard him wrong, maybe she wasn't thinking straight.

"I'm going to Berlin with Marionette Vienna for a week." David repeated, leaning against the wall.

Corinne had to take a moment to gather her thoughts; sometimes she felt like she was taking care of a thirteen year old boy who'd just been given free-will.

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"Because she's checking out this house in Berlin, she didn't want to be alone the whole week so I offered to go with her."

Corinne sighed, moving her free hand up to wipe down her face.

"Why would do this after being caught together after the Grammy's? Have you learned nothing?" She questioned, David closed his eyes as he listened to her well-anticipated rhetoric.

"I suppose I haven't." he said, though his joke was funnier to him than it was to the woman on the other end of the phone.

"David, can you take me seriously?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Can you tell me the truth?"

"Of course."

"Are you two sleeping together?"

His mood shifted and eyes opened at the question, bewilderment taking over his uncaring demeanor.

"What?" he asked, thinking maybe he heard her wrong.

She didn't have time to repeat the question before he quickly denied the question, "No!"

"Well you could've fooled me," She said, "Has Angie called you?"

"No, hopefully it stays that way."

"Dream on."

The two went silent for a moment, David thinking about what Corinne asked him.

All of a sudden, she sighed, coming to terms with the fact that there was nothing she could do to stop David from doing what he wanted.

"Where in Berlin are you two staying?"

"Some place in Oranienburg. We're going on the first of May."

She went silent, taping her finger on the phone before finally deciding on what she'd say.

"Do you want me to schedule some shows for the two of you? I could get some bands to play as well." she asked.

David smiled, he felt like he'd won a war.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"Alright. Goodnight David." She finished.


He hung up the phone and got ready for bed, anticipating the days ahead. He couldn't wait.


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