Chapter one

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Sudden coldness was all that she felt, the sudden greeting of the morning sun her eyes did not want, nor need, and the sudden realization that she needed to be around kids again hitting her.
All that at once, and the goddess gifted it to her by an angry short dean that was freaking out about her absence.

" you were supposed to be there thirty minutes ago ander! Get dressed and get to the welcoming ceremony!" Clarissa dovey, dean of the school for good demanded, quickly scurrying out after.

Alexander groaned, stuffing her face into her warm pillow.
After a full minute of that, she realized she really could just breathe, so she stopped her suicide attempt to get changed.
" at least I'll look fabulous when I'll die" she mumbled as she stood up, immediately regretting doing so when she stumbled for a second before she regained eyesight.
She walked to her closet, apparently not because she tripped over some boxes she had laying around, quickly catching herself with her leg.
She shoved the box to the side, leaving it for later, and resumed her walk to her closet.
She pulled it open, searching for anything that wasn't her usual combination.
Of course, she didn't find anything, so she grabbed her usual black trousers and white blouse, combining it with a maroon red Spencer.
She threw it onto her bed, grabbing a white sports-bra and some black boxers before trudging to her bathroom and swinging the black door open.
She turned on the shower, stripping off of her oversized shirt and boxers and hopping into the shower.

When she was finally finished showering, she got herself to glance at the clock that she could see from the open door.
" oh shit" she cussed, the clock just ticking to the 8;40 when she needed to be there at 9.
It should work out, if she rushed it.


Alexander took a deep breath as she stood in front of the two double doors, pulling out a small mirror and checking if her hair didn't mess up in the back or the front.
She quickly put it back into her pocket, checking if her earrings and necklaces were still there, then making sure her rings couldn't fall off by shaking her hands.
When she was sure they couldn't, she nodded at the guard who opened the doors for her.
She walked in five minutes late, earning looks from both schools.
She made eye-contact with dovey, who reassured her they both introduced themselves.
" my name is Alexander drageon, assistant schoolmaster and currently here as the schoolmaster, the schoolmaster couldn't be here this fine morning because of some trouble caused in the northern parts of our terrain." As she introduced herself, she saw lesso roll her eyes.
She smirked as an idea crept into the back of her mind, quickly removing the smirk when she approached the two deans.
When she sat down on the ground in the middle of the two deans, both sides once again looked at her, this time utterly confused.
Alexander stared at the back of lesso's head, watching as the woman slowly realized she had something to do with the slowly increasing warmth of the back of her head.
" Alexander!" She hissed, glancing at the woman who held up her hands innocently and stopped.

" As per tradition, the winning school from last year, us again! Imagine that!" Dovey was unfazed by the scene besides her, instead getting exited for the small act coming up in just a minute.
" Hmm, Imagine." Lesso hummed our sarcastically, sending Alexander one last warning glance.
" will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents!" She held back her excitement, watching as the princes walked out.


The drageon had almost fallen asleep when she was pulled out of it-again- by a sharp blade by her neck.
She looked up, only to find a dark haired prince, Tedros, was it?
" could I ask whom this might be?" She voiced her questioning thoughts, lesso chuckling.
" it's Tedros, king Arthur's son." Dovey answered her, Alexander humming.
" and why is he holding a sword in front of my neck?" Tedros moved it forward slightly.
" you have been disrespecting your deans miss, it only seems fit that you find it at your best interest to look into jobs in the afterlife." He threatened, Alexander simply laughing at his face which contorted into shock.
" this is amusing, isn't it?" Lesso glanced at dovey, who watched in horror as her fellow dean clasped her hands together in delight.
" oh it so is" Alexander smirked up at the man, answering lesso.
" wha-?" The poor boy couldn't even finish his question, already shooting backwards with his torso on fire.
" it seems like someone has forgotten who is older, mister Tedros" the boy scrambled to stand up, the fire fairy descending down the steps as he charged at her.
A simple flick of her hand and he was sent into the doors, creating a loud bang and a crack that echoed through the hall.
There were exited murmurs from the never side, while the ever side had an reaction far polar to theirs.
She strides over, leaning over the small boy and watching the wheels turn and break inside his head.
She saw the idea inside his eyes before he acted on it, quickly kicking away his sword and placing one of her nails at his throat.

" what's wrong little teddy," she taunted, " cat got your tongue?"


" In these two schools, we will take away any confusion and make your souls as pure as possible. Pure Good." Dovey gestured at herself, smiling brightly at the ever's side of the hall where Tedros sat next to Beatrix, who had been consoling him.

" Or pure Evil." Lesso filled it in for her, looking over at the never's side with a smirk.
" Future heroes and villains, you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between Good and Evil." Dovey continued, happily smiling as she spoke, until she was interrupted, " For if that balance is ever compromised-"

" But what if we've been dropped in the wrong school?"

One of the readers spoke up, shooting onto the space between the two sides, the other reader following soon after.
" Or there's been a mistake and we need to go home immediately?"

" there are no mistakes in the school for good and evil!" Alexander spoke up, sitting between the two deans on the steps.
" and if any of you have any complains about the two deans, please contact me, I'll be in the never castle at any given time, but I do visit the ever castle frequently. If it's urgent, contact through the deans, they know where to find me." Alexander started another topic, shooting down their questions and just wanting to resume her day.


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