Chapter three

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Alexander opened the door to lesso's office, snapping her fingers to light the fireplace and warm the room.
She- once again- sat down in lesso's chair, this one way more comfortable than the one in her classroom.
She placed the last few of her papers on the desk, grabbing one of lesso's quills and dipping them in the dark red ink and scribbling down some notes that could improve the contract in their favor.

About three hours later, lesso came back from her lessons, finding the work Alexander was doing before on her desk, the quill clean, the lid on the pot of ink, and a brown cat laying in front of the fire on its back.
She chuckled, quickly piling up the dry papers and placing them on the corner, replacing it by her own pile of books.
She walked over to where the cat was sprawled out, crouching down while pondering if she wanted to scare the cat or not.
Eventually she placed a hand on the cat's stomach, softly scratching it when the cat didn't wake up.
" wake up Alexander, it's almost time for dinner." The cat- Alexander- opened her eyes, the dark red orbs staring straight into lesso's blue's.
She stared for a second- less than-, then melted into the carpet, purring softly.
Lesso pulled her hand away when Alexander started purring, the cat hissing at her as it shot into one of the chairs.
" don't be so dramatic" lesso scoffed, sitting down into the other chair and snapping her fingers for her mug to appear in her hands.
" well I wasn't being dramatic lesso." Alexander groaned when she transformed back, appearing out of a red cloud and stretching.
" well then, why would I think you're dramatic if you weren't?" Alexander shook her head and stood up.
" I need to finish today's report, the schoolmaster wants duly reports this year because of the readers." Lesso hummed, staring into her coffee while watching Alexander out of the corner of her eye.
The brunette grabbed the pile of finished contracts, moving towards the door.
" see you tomorrow for the finger glow ceremony lesso." Alexander waved goodbye, lesso looking up from her drink.
" bad dreams sparkles."
" good night lesso"

" we still have dinner to attend to moron"
" I thought you'd have forgotten"


At dinner, Alexander and anemone were starting yet another fire between another pair of teachers.
" lesso, tell anders to stop bullying the other teachers please? She won't listen to me." Dovey looked at lesso pleadingly, the redhead giving in with a sigh.
She banged her cane to the ground, everyone's heads flying up to look at the redhead.
" Alexander! Come help me out would you?" Alexander quickly walked over, thinking it was something serious involving the schools.
" stop bullying the teachers"
" and stop interrupting lesso's class! You can do your work elsewhere!" Alexander glanced at lesso, finding her smugly smirking back at her.
" but her ink is nice, and it dries quickly." Lesso held in a laugh at the obvious lie, her ink was the worst, made to annoy anyone but her.
" oh, well then, lesso gift anders your ink if you truly want her gone!" Alexander stood behind dovey, placing her hands on the woman's shoulders and slowly massaging them to calm her down.
" I need to go finish today's report, the schoolmaster wants them daily with the two readers." Dovey hummed, melting into Alexander's touch.
" good night then anders" lesso chuckled at the speed Alexander managed to calm the dean down.
" bad dreams sparkles" she repeated what she had said earlier, Alexander nodding at her.
" sleep well both of you, see you tomorrow!" Alexander yelled over her shoulder as she walked out, waving before the doors shut in front of her.


Alexander stretched her arms out behind her, leaning back and groaning slightly.
She heard her knuckles crack when she stretched her fingers, thinking about getting coffee.
" if I'd get it now, I'll be sleeping in about an hour." She mumbled to herself, standing up and glancing at herself in the mirror.
She put her hair in a low bun, pulling her tie from her neck and checked if her sports-bra was still in place.
She straightened her trousers, tying her shoes and left.

She roamed the castle, eventually getting one of the maids to make her a pot coffee.
Just as she walked out, lesso approached.
" why hello smoker, what brings you here?" Alexander sighed, pouring the coffee into lesso's mug as the redhead's eyes roamed her body.
" Didn't take you as the type for tattoos?" Alexander looked down at the dragon that was tattooed onto her torso, it's tail wrapping around her upper thigh and it's wings spread out over the lower part of her ribs to under her breasts, it's head feasting right between them.
" didn't take you as a crazy redhead, why are you still awake lesso?" The dean faked offense, placing a perfectly manicured hand on her chest.
" I see you're still not gay, how do you even masturbate?" Lesso frowned at her, not having had the chance to even answer the first question.
" who are you to decide if I'm gay or not, and I can just clip these off and glue them back on you smoker." Lesso snapped one of her nails off, holding it in front of Alexander before placing it back onto her nail and lighting her finger up to glue it back on.
" I see, still not gay?"
" why would I?" Lesso exclaimed, getting increasingly frustrating.
" it's always the straight ones" Alexander muttered under her breath, glaring at the pot in her hand.
" heat this back up for me will you?" Lesso held out her mug to her, the brunette waving her hand under the cup, steam circling out immediately after.
" I suppose you're also a portable heater?" Lesso smirked, placing an ice-cold hand on Alexander's stomach.
Alexander flushed red, the tips of her pointy ears redder than lesso's hair.
" I'm not!" She blurred out, too fast as lesso's smirk only broadened.
" oh but you are." Lesso teased, moving her hand up slowly.
" I can't imagine how it would be with you in my bed." If Alexander could've been any redder she would be, but for now she just kept her mouth shut.
" mh, for now it'll be cold." Lesso shrugged, removing her hand, leaving Alexander shivering.
" well, see you tomorrow little fairy, happy nightmares love" Alexander was ready to pass out from the blood rushing to her face, and lucky for her it was dark so lesso couldn't see.
" h-happy dreams." Her words faltered, staring at lesso's retreating form as the redhead sipped on her mug.

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