Chapter twelve

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Alexander was happy, but at the same time not.
She had finally gotten rid of her crush on lesso, at least, so she thought.
At the same time, lesso started to catch feelings, now crushing hard on the brunette.
So, in an attempt to catch her attention, lesso started annoying her even more.
You could say she was a big softie at heart, which she would never admit as the truth, but you could also say she was clingy, which she would once again never admit.
She was clingy, if she liked you, and trusted you.
She doesn't like many, she hates even more, but the one person she truly likes, and the one person she has always counted on -even when they both were still in school-, has always been Alexander.
Through all the hate they both got, and all the times she got send to the doom room for being caught hanging out in the library with the fairy, they still stood together, even if it was only as friends.
That's where Alexander caught feelings, when she and lesso had their 6-month anniversary of their friendship, in that very same library they always hung out, with a small cake she had stolen from the kitchen.
When she put whipped cream on Leonora's nose and watched her freak out about it.
At the same time, lesso caught feelings, but they were torn apart by Rafal, who used magic to make her forget about them.
But now he is dead, and lesso is free from his spell.

So, with the annoying, came an extreme need to be close to her at all times, at all costs.


Alexander huffed out a breath when something landed on top of her, pulling her out of her slumber.
She glanced down, finding lesso's blue eyes staring back at her.
" what?" She grumbled, lesso chuckling at her grumpy tone before grinning mischievously.
" I'm tired! When can vacation start." Lesso placed her head on Alexander's chest, laying between the woman's legs and wrapping her arms around her waist.
" vacation starts tomorrow, but you're supposed to stay here for those three weeks." Alexander rolled her eyes when lesso whined, even if it was only a soft one.
" don't be such a baby, the students are already leaving at this very moment." Lesso didn't answer her, closing her eyes and tightening her hold on the brunette.
" no need to kill me." Alexander mutered, grabbing the corner of her covers as she used magic to change lesso into her pyjama's before pulling the soft, warm covers over her head.
She heard lesso grumble something before she slid up her body to stick her head out of the covers.
She hid in the crook of Alexander's neck, kissing the skin there softly.

" it's warm."

" I do not give a single fuck."


" hello there beautiful" lesso winked at Alexander, who simply rolled her eyes in response.
" what did you do?"
" I have done nothing, unless looking at such a divine being as yourself is a sin?" She smirked, circling Alexander's waist with her arms and pulling her closer.
" if you count that as stalking it would be, now what do you desire from me?" Lesso leaned down slightly, kissing Alexander's cheek.
" your heart, if it's up for stealing?" Alexander wrapped her arms around lesso's neck, harshly pulling her down to her face.
" it is not, unluckily for you, I have very secure bars around mine." Lesso's cheeks tinted pink at the close proximity of Alexander, she could just move forwards slightly and she could've kissed her.
" now, get your head out of wonderland and start relaxing a bit, else you'll break down on the first day of school." She stepped away and turned around, returning to the bookshelves of the library.
Lesso stood frozen for a moment, her mind a mush of Alexander and everything she did so perfectly.
" well, I did come here to relax." Lesso moved to walk alongside Alexander, who had already picked out a book she would read in her bed with a cup of chocolate.
" but seeing as you're heading to your bed, I think we've come for the same thing." She winked at Alexander, who quickened her pace.
She quickly climbed the invisible stairs, lesso hot on her heels, opening the doors and going up the stairs.
She arrived at the main room of the tower, looking up at the stairs and waiting for lesso to join her side before she started on the other stairs.
" you have too many stairs." Lesso mumbled as you both arrived at your office, alexander badly breaking a sweat.
" it's only one staircase, it's not that big of a deal." Lesso ignored her and threw her coat on one of the chairs, dragging alexander to her bedroom.
" why the haste?" Lesso ignored her once more and released her to pull off her heels.
Alexander placed her book on her bed and stood in front of her closet, pulling out a sweater and starting to unbutton her blouse.
Just as she shrugged off the fabric, lesso turned around.
Her cheeks caught fire as she watched alexander pull the sweater over her head, then bending over to untie her converse. -which she always got judged for-
" I knew you were hot, but I never knew you were this hot." Lesso commented, Alexander ignoring her comment and walking to her bed to grab her book and slide under the covers.
The redhead was quick to join her, wrapping her arms around her waist once more, pulling her under her so she could lay in between Alexander's legs with her head on her chest.
" you sure do like this position." Alexander joked with a laugh, lesso smirking up at her.
" oh I sure do love, but I'd much prefer to lay lowe-" alexander slammed her book on her head, lesso's hair softening the slam slightly.
" ouch" lesso mumbled, rubbing the spot alexander had hurt.
Alexander ignored her once more, starting to read as she pulled lesso's hand out of her hair, replacing it with her own as she softly began playing with it as she read.
A content sigh subconsciously came out of lesso's mouth, as she melted into Alexander's body, molding to her exact shape and slowly falling into her much needed slumber.


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