Chapter nine

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The puppets turned back, and when lesso turned away, barking at the others to leave, it settled in that she wasn't really wearing the least revealing outfit she had.
" as much as I enjoy these outfits on you, I'd much prefer that you'd change because Sophie has gone wild." Lesso commented, holding out her hand for Alexander to take.
" and as much as I'd love to partake in this, sleep sounds a tad bit more inviting. Good night." Alexander changed back into a cat, racing out.
Lesso groaned, rolling her eyes and grabbing dovey's wrist to drag her out.


Lesso stormed into Alexander's office, immediately stalking towards her bedroom door.
She slammed it open, ripping Alexander's covers off of her and grabbing her by her neck.
" why did you go to sleep when the schools were in danger?! Are you seriously that stupid?" Lesso rambled on, not noticing the woman rolling up and pulling the cover back over herself.
" Alexander bunny drageon!" Lesso exclaimed, grabbing the edge of the covers to pull them back down, put instead getting swallowed by the dark red monster called Alexander's bed.
It took Alexander less than a second to latch onto lesso, burying her face in the crook of her neck and losing her hands in her hair.
" oh for fucks sake!" The loud voice she had set up didn't seem to faze Alexander, only making her tighten her hold and roll on top of the redhead.
" let- me- go!" She groaned, trying to free herself but instead only making the brunette's hold tighten even more.
She started silently grumbling when Alexander continued sleeping, glancing down every few seconds to check if she woke up.

Spoiler alert, she did not wake up, only cuddling into lesso further whenever she moved.


" which makes you the new schoolmaster" Alexander nodded at dovey, who had been explaining it all to her.
" got it, thank you dovey. What plans did you have in mind for the mixed schools project?" Dovey grinned happily, pushing a stack of papers towards Alexander.
" these contain the details, but to say it short, everyone stays where they are and are allowed to follow any classes they are interested in. They can choose beginning of the school year, in this case now, by checking in boxes on the form on top of that small pile." She beamed, Alexander groaning mentally when she took in the amount of papers the 'small pile' contained.
She knew dovey was being optimistic, and she loved that about her, but at times like these it made her want to rip her oh so loving heart out.
" alright then, I'll get right to it." Nevertheless she smiled at the fairy godmother, quickly scurrying away and out of the castle to her own blood tower.
She still needed to get used to that, she used to call the tower the place she stayed in, but now it was hers, by law and everything.
Before she knew it she was sitting at her desk, her fingers working on its own as they grasped her dark brown quill and the blood-red ink that reminded her so much of lesso.
Her eyes slowly started to water, but before she could shed any tears, she closed the pot and placed it in the lowest drawer behind all of her tiny things she collected. -she made small mushrooms incapable of decaying and put them into small little jars-
" god damn you lesso" she pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes as she pondered wether or not she had a spare pot of ink she never used because she always stole lesso's.
Her eyes shot open, her hands moving to open her top drawer and pulling out a pot of bright red ink.
If she's switch inks, at least she'll switch within her signature color.
" there we go." She broke the seal on it and opened the pot, drying her quill of any ink it might still contain before dipping it into the ink.
She watched as the first drop made its way back into the pot, joining its family once more, then she placed the tip against the wedge of the pot, quickly pulling it back up and starting to write little notes about the papers, underlining anything of importance.


Alexander had already sprouted her wings and had flown away when dovey got the news of the dragon stirring in the east of the school's grounds, the poor woman immediately rushing to inform her new schoolmaster, only to find her gone with a note that read, 'im off to the dragon, no need to worry (:'.

But of course, the woman started to worry and raced to ramble to lesso.

Back with Alexander, she had reached the dragon and floated about twenty meters away from its snout.
If it were to snap at her she would be dead, but since this was still a youngling, she didn't have much to worry about.
It growled at her, showing its teeth as it slowly shuffled back, as if to cover something.
" if you are as nice as to show me what happened, I'd me utmost grateful." She politely ordered, the dragon slowly lowering its head and looking up at the unknown fairy.
For the dragon fairies were unknown, so seeing a human with fiery butterfly wings on her back and pointy ears made them think of an elf, but it wouldn't explain the wings, and it couldn't be magic, elves don't have fire magic.

" I'm not here to hurt you little one, just show me." Alexander slowly approached, floating closer with the second and eventually placing her palm on its snout.
It sneezed, jumping slightly and uncovering a dragon head.
It was from an adult dragon, as could be seen by the horns, and the rest of its body was covered with rocks and sand, which would explain the large river that had suddenly spawned close.
" is that your parent?" She softly spoke, trying not to scare the dragon too much as it would fly away if she did.
The dragon let out a whine filled with heartbreak and mourn, letting Alexander pet it as it held back cries.
" well then, how about you finish up what you're doing here and try settle down closer to the school?" Alexander proposed, having seen the blade in the dragon's eye and the marks across its neck.
There was only one student that even possessed such weapon, the one student who would get away with everything because it was for 'everyone's safety'.
The one prince that has been an emotional wreck since Agatha had left and had been accepting small dares.

Tedros of Camelot

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