Chapter ten

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" so, where were you today and why was dovey in full 'my child is dying!' Mode?" Lesso interrogated Alexander as soon as the woman stormed in, her furious expression making lesso feel things she 'absolutely loathed'.
" what do you want lesso?" She spoke, her tone filled with annoyance and anger, which only riled up lesso more and more.
" well, I wanted to know where you went, but clearly there's something more important." She smirked mischievously, standing up to let Alexander sit down.
" what's on your mind bunny?" She rose an eyebrow, Alexander falling into the chair and groaning.
" that Tedros boy killed a guardian dragon" lesso gasped, eyes widening.
" what?"
" he killed a dragon lesso, a guardian one at that."
Lesso sat down on Alexander's desk, leaning on her knees as she inspected Alexander.
" let me guess, you made sure the baby dragon moves closer to the school and nestled here?" She deducted from the small bit of dirt on Alexander's cheek.
" yes, you're correct."
" why?" Lesso wiped the dirt away for her, gazing down at Alexander with worry in her eyes.
" I'm the new schoolmaster lesso, don't tell me you've forgotten?" Lesso looked baffled, her hand still holding up Alexander's chin with her thumb still on the woman's cheek.
" you're the new what?"
" schoolmaster lesso, didn't dovey tell you?" She tilted her head, feeling lesso's thumb digging into her cheek and her grip on her chin tightening.
" no, she did not. Why didn't you tell me yourself?" Lesso's nails making crescent shaped indents into her skin as she clenched her jaw.
" well I thought dovey would-"
" well you thought wrong" she slowly felt lesso's nail pierce through her skin on her jawline, her cheeks slowly reddening as she held in an embarrassing but small moan.
" you should've just told me yourself." Lesso stated, keeping eye-contact with Alexander as if her life depended on it.
" I'm sorry." The brunette almost whimpered, but with better knowledge she just spoke normally.
Lesso realized she was hurting Alexander when a drop of blood made it's way down her finger, retracting her hand and licking the blood away.
All while Alexander watched, quickly looking away from lesso's hand when the woman looked back at her.
" I'll ask dovey about this, I have some papers about my ideas for the mixed schools." Alexander slowly nodded, smiling at lesso.
" I'll come pick them up soon, I need to figure out a plan for Tedros." Lesso's eyes lit up at the mention of a plan, grabbing her wrists and pulling her out of her chair, replacing Alexander with herself and pulling her back into her lap.
" I'm good at that, what? Petty? bloody? Murder?" Lesso started getting excited, the thought of Alexander doing and being evil just corrupting her already corrupted mind even further.
" none of that, just, suspension and maybe getting him enough F's." Lesso's excitement dimming down, only to shoot back up when Alexander mentioned the F system the Evers worked with.
" oh that sounds wonderful!" She almost squealed, containing her excitement and grinning wickedly at Alexander.
" now, how would you like to execute this little plan of yours?" Lesso got tired of not being capable of looking at Alexander properly, picking her up and placing her on the desk to look at her.
She was grinning like a little kid, her wicked mind already pulling out her wicked schemes she had put in the drafts of her mind.
" anonymous." Lesso groaned, falling with her head in Alexander's lap to overdramatize her annoyance.
" hey! I'm still an ever! I'm not allowed to attack!" Lesso groaned once more, not moving from her place in Alexander's lap.
" but I can cause a small change, making everything collapse from beneath him." She patted lesso's hair, all thoughts that came close to reminding her of the heartbreak being thrown out of the window.
Lesso chuckled, keeping her position and slightly leaning into Alexander's hand.
" and how would you know everything will go perfectly?" She sat back up, scooting the chair closer and leaning forwards to rest between Alexander's legs.
" because I can monitor it all." Alexander slightly smiled down at the woman, who send her another one of her smirks, this time an amused one.
" I can't wait for the aftermath of this plan of yours." Lesso shook her head, glancing around the dean for paper, but instead noticing that Alexander had changed her ink for her original one she had stopped using years ago.
" did you run out again?" She looked up at Alexander, who looked at her questioningly.
" ink?" Alexander shook her head, grabbing the pot of ink from the corner.
" I thought maybe I should switch it up a bit, schoolmaster and all" great lie, could've fooled anyone who wasn't lesso.
" what did I do to upset you?" The question came out of nowhere, lesso watching her attentively as she wrapped her head around it.
" you do care!" Alexander mushed lesso's cheeks, the redhead trying to make her stop.
" yes i care! Why wouldn't I?!" It almost made her believe there was a slight hope of lesso liking her too, but Alexander knew not to expect that much for a few simple words.
" now, what have I done? Is it about Rafal?" Alexander pondered for a good excuse, then slowly nodded as it was the only reasonable solution.
" what part, I was in love with him or I helped him?"
" you helped him" lesso held back another groan, instead gently grabbing ahold onto her wrists and bringing them up to her lips.
" I won't do it again, you have my word." Lesso promised after she had kissed both hands on the knuckles, Alexander tinting a shade redder.
" I promise, I don't break promises." She might be evil, but lesso wasn't one to break promises.
" you sure you won't break it?" Lesso looked up at her in ridiculously.
" me? Break my word, don't be ridiculous darling." It just slipped out, the sudden realization that lesso didn't like her hitting like a brick in the face.

" okay, thank you lesso."

" you believe my word right? Right?"

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