Chapter V

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I BRING HOME VICTORY 😍😍😍😍😍 (and a deep depression because lookism doesn's have a second season.)

I finally got a good picture of my little hairy lil bb 🔥🔥🔥

She's not eating my lil red demon no worries.

She set aside her hate for camera's especially for this one 😔 be nice to my lil bb.

She's so emotional, like if ur sad she's sad.

Or is that empathy?

Idk man, but my lil man mad Max keeps biting into her hair and then she just drags him with her everywhere. 😭

We have a new kitchen rn and it's so ugly, like the wood is too much wood and too light, because there's a shit ton of light from the too many new windows.

Also my father's an asshole.
But like that's nothing new 😘

Enjoy my lil bb's, one's executed but he'll be fine tmr.

Omg my mom really doesn't trust my father with anything 😭

Like same but that's just a coffeemachine, do u not trust ur bf? (I don't like him but he's my actual father, workaholic lookin fuck.)

"So, any explanation for today and why Dovey went into a mental breakdown?" Alexander nearly had a heart attack when she walked into her office, only to find Lesso leaning on the wall next to her

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"So, any explanation for today and why Dovey went into a mental breakdown?" Alexander nearly had a heart attack when she walked into her office, only to find Lesso leaning on the wall next to her.

"Can we not do this now?" Alexander spoke through gritted teeth as she walked to her desk, sitting down with a sigh.

"Well, i wanted to know where you went but... i think there's something much more intriguing going on." She smirked as she leaned back on the desk, looking down at Alexander with a mischievous grin.

"Lesso, please." Alexander looked up at her with a furious look in her eyes, her face not betraying anything. -that is so not me.-

"No, tell me, what's on your mind Bunny." Lesso set her cane down next to her, leaning it against the side of the desk.

"Tedros killed a guardian Dragon." Lesso had expected a lot, but not that.

She gasped, her eyes widening.


"He killed the Eastern dragon, the water snake looking thing, that was one of the most powerful beasts in that area." Lesso hopped onto her desk, placing her hands on her knees as she thought about it.

"He has been taking those ridiculous dares lately." She hummed, glancing back down at Alexander before continuing. "But you already have a plan for him, don't you?" Alexander gave her a smile, which she took as a yes.

"And you brought its rumoured child here?"

"Mh, well that's for you to find out red riding hood." Lesso held back her scowl.

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