Bonus chapter

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Lesso shot up, looking around frantically only to be met with Alexander looking down at her.
" hello my love." She grinned happily, kissing the living hell out of Alexander before noticing moli glaring.
" what! She's my wife you moron!" She stuck out her tongue, pushing Alexander down and continuing to kiss her.
" I missed you so so so much!" She mumbled along kisses, Alexander laughing at her behavior.
" stop it! Moli is right next to us!"
" I don't care! You died, right in my arms!" Alexander sheepishly smiled, wrapping her arms around lesso's neck and playing with her hair softly.
" at least we're home?" Lesso looked around, they were indeed home, in the very mansion she found too big for words.
" we are..."


Anyways, do you all want the storyline to see how much I changed it?

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