Chapter eleven

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Alexander looked up when someone placed a paper in front of her face, looking up to find dovey looking horrified.
" the village you've saved! They've filed a complaint! Against Tedros!" She kept herself from rolling her eyes, instead taking the paper and reading through it as dovey raged on.
" it seems like Tedros was the one that killed that dragon..." she trialed off with a hun, dovey sitting down to avoid pacing around the room.
Alexander hummed, sipping her quill into her ink once more to scribble down her autograph into the application for Tedros to be suspended.
She placed it on the 'done' pile, glancing at the next one.
'Expell Tedros of Camelot' it read, alexander quickly shoving it into one of her drawers when dovey turned around.
She was planning to use that later on, now, she just needed the villagers to file more complains.
" I mean, it did have his sword in its eye, but I wasn't sure if it was truly him, but now that someone has seen him, it changed the game." She paused, 'thinking' about different types of punishments as dovey awaited with a hopeful but at the same time fearful expression.
" an F and suspension to his dorm for a week." Dovey gasped, holding her hand to her chest.
" what?!" She almost fainted, she couldn't lose the one student that could really beat the never's, not when the rest of her students were so weak already.
The ever boys were nothing without Tedros, they all just could not grasp how to wield a sword.
" suspension dovey, he killed a dragon, make sure it happens."


" so, I heard from a little birdy that that prince got suspended..." lesso smirked, wrapping her arms around Alexander's waist.
" and I heard that he got his first F." Alexander turned around with a smirk of her own, her breath hitching at how close lesso was.
" oh how wonderful." Lesso kissed her nose, her smirk changing into a proud smile.
" I know." Lesso's proud smile only brightened, staring into Alexander's eyes as if she was contemplating something.
Of course, this only made Alexander blush, less than she would before, but still.
" why don't I see you in my castle anymore?" She blurted out, Alexander frowning.
" I'm working on my reports, and I have many quests to fulfill spread out over the terrain." Lesso nodded, her smile turning gloomy.
" that doesn't mean you can't stop by?" Lesso tried, looking down at Alexander with hopeful eyes that she tried to hide.
She truly was missing Alexander, and she wanted her to stop by more often, even if it meant she would steal near all her things, including the one sweater she has.
" I'll try, now, you can stay here but i need to work." She caved in slightly, parting from lesso and settling down in her chair.
Lesso hummed, grabbing one of the books on the shelf and sitting down in front of the desk.

When Alexander finally finished her work, lesso was reading her second book.
She had been pestering the brunette while she worked, spelling her quill so it would keep floating away, walking behind her and pulling her elastic out of her hair, and eventually just sitting down on the armchair and grabbing the quill, holding it away from her reach.
" you done?" Lesso rose an eyebrow as Alexander stood up, stretching with a groan.
" bunny?" Alexander ignored her, walking into her bedroom as she shed off her blouse.
Not even a minute later she walked back out in a dark red sweater, flopping down into one of the sofa's next to the fire and staying there unmoving as lesso walked over.
She gently lifted her head, sitting down and placing it on her lap.
" would you like to sleep over in my room tonight?" Alexander moaned in annoyance as she turned around, melting into lesso's touch as she woman began softly massaging her scalp. -lesso wasn't the only one vulnerable for that-
" but it's so cold in your room Lessie" lesso smiled slightly at the nickname, caressing her cheek with her other hand.
" I suppose it is... how about I stay over here then?" Alexander nodded, turning to lesso's stomach and nuzzling into it, grasping her trousers and slowly sinking into a dark abyss of sleep.

Lesso watched with a soft gaze, running her fingers through her hair and tracing the path Alexander's freckles made over her face.
Normally the woman would cover them up, saying there were too many for it to be normal, but lesso loved them, so much.
It made her think about how she felt around Alexander, the safe feeling she got, the need to be around the woman at all times, hating that she won't come over anymore because of all her work.
Needing to know what she's doing at all times, and wanting to know if she's safe or not.
The fluttering feeling she got whenever the woman was near, hating it before, but now?
Her eyes widened slightly as she realized, her eyes turning to look up at the ceiling as she sighed with a soft 'fuck'.

" I'm in love with Alex."

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