Chapter six

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Dinner was awkward for Alexander, not only did lesso continue to tease her, she still wasn't over what had happened less than two hours ago.
She really should've known that lesso would never even think of having sex with her, not even after turning her on so much she practically drenched her underwear.
" Easter bunny, why are you being so awkward, it's weird." Lesso tapped the table with her nails, making a rhythm that Alexander got lost in as she stared at her hands.
" it's nothing lesso, and dovey?" Dovey looked up from her food, nervously glancing between lesso and Alexander.
" have you got the paperwork for those swords? If you do you can just hand it to me." Lesso rolled her eyes, dovey nodding.
" no, I don't have it yet, but I can get it to you by tomorrow!"
" no rush dovey, you have all the time you need." Lesso gagged at Alexander's sweet words, the woman simply glancing at her.
" in the meantime, could you and lesso please figure this tension out? It's awkward, maybe if you two intercourse it would-" lesso cut dovey off, spitting out her wine.
" I'm sorry that? Intercourse? Do you mean sex Clarissa?" Lesso laughed, the wicked sound only making Alexander stare at her, eyes filled with so much want and love they could explode if there was more.
" yes! Please do that! I can't stand this anymore!" Lesso shook her head, Alexander quickly following her.
" Clarissa, princess, I won't have sex with that little pixie. She doesn't seem good at it, and she's a total pillow princess." Dovey blushed at the 'inappropriate' words, Alexander flushing when she was called a pillow princess.
" I am not! And I am not bad at sex." She mumbled the last part, reddening in embarrassment.
" oh but you so are." Lesso smirked at Alexander, who stood up and walked over to her seat.
" I am not a pillow princess." She sternly spoke, turning lesso's chair to face her and leaning on the armrests.
" but bunny-" lesso leaned forward, " you look like one" she pulled Alexander closer by her tie, ghosting her lips over her again and licking Alexander's bottom lip.
They heard dovey squeal and lesso glanced over to find her hiding behind her hands.
" since she isn't watching... how about we test that theory of yours? Would you top me, bunny?" Alexander wasn't sure how much longer her legs would carry her, but the one thing she was sure about was that lesso was so incredibly hot.
" of course I wou-"
" good" lesso leaned back and pulled Alexander onto her lap, looking very smug about having made the woman so flustered.
She moved her chair back to its original place, grabbing her wine and relaxing with Alexander still on her lap.
Once again, Alexander thought about how embarrassing it would be if she passed out. -it seems as if she did that a lot lately-
She stiffened when lesso placed a hand on her thigh, the feeling of her nails scraping over her skin turning her brain to mush in less than a second.
" no need for all that defense to go into action." Lesso's voice dropped with sarcasm, only adding to the fire she had stoked inside of Alexander.
" I am not being defensive." She denied, sitting straight and folding her arms.
" sure bunny, sure." Lesso chuckled as she sipped her wine, still caressing Alexander's thigh as if it wasn't making the woman crazy.
" if you excuse me." Dovey scurried away, starting to get disgusted by the amount of sexual tension she did not want anywhere near her.
" oh but dovey! Don't you like the show?" Lesso called out after her, her smug smirk returning.
Lesso noticed Alexander shifting, narrowing her eyes at the woman.
" what's wrong bunny? Uncomfortable?"


" what is going on and why did someone call this meeting?" Alexander asked as she stood behind the schoolmaster's chair, the man gone in yet another quest.
" an ever and a never do not belong together! It's against the rules!" Lesso nodded in agreement, dovey gesturing at her.
" Thank you!" Alexander just now noticed the three students at the end of the table.
" Evil and Good do not belong together, It's rep-repulsive." Alexander almost slipped, reducing her reaction to only frowning slightly.
" lady, if I may." The boy, Tedros was it? Spoke, directing his words at the woman he had so nicely threatened.
" I'm responsible for choosing Camelot's next queen. I do not take that decision lightly. I chose Sophie because she is Good, She's just in the wrong school." He speeches, several never teachers gagging at how romantic and responsible he sounded.
" if he believes it, why can't you?" Sophie pouted, glancing around the table in the hope that someone would help her.
" Besides, nothing can keep true love apart." Agatha began, dovey scoffing and sending Alexander an in ridiculous look before focusing back on the couple before them, "Isn't that, like, the first rule of fairy tales?" Alexander nodded.
" If it is true love, it could be proven..." Alexander trialed off, leaning her forearms on the back of the chair.
" It seems to me there's only one way to be sure." Alexander sighed, then finished her sentence, " A Trial by Tale."

" What? No!"
" But miss!"
" miss , I accept."

The teens all had different reactions, but Sophie was incredibly confused, as could be concluded by her face.

" Uh-" she giggled nervously, "Sorry. What is a Trial by Tale?"

Manley groaned at her stupidity, Alexander chuckling, lesso and dovey both sending her stent looks.
" Each of you have to enter the Blue Forest on opposite sides, You have to defeat whatever danger presents itself and find each other by dawn." Manley stopped for dramatic effect, "Help? strictly forbidden."

"Sophie, we can do this. We're good enough and strong enough to protect each other."

" We can do this."
The couple agreed, everyone's eyes widening, except for Alexander's, who looked at them both in question.
" This will get them both killed!" Dovey exclaimed, looking at Alexander pleadingly.

" The trial shall begin..." she stopped, once again dramatic effect," at sundown."


Now I need to write faster else I won't have tomorrow's chapter done and I like to have at least two chapters done for whenever.

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