Chapter seventeen

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Lesso stood before Alexander's office door, contemplating how she would explain herself.

" just come in!" Alexander yelled frustratingly through the door, the poor woman not knowing who was in front of it.
" sure." Lesso mumbled quietly, opening the door and standing in the doorpost frozen.
" come to break my heart for the third time? It's the charm!" Alexander held up her glass of wine to lesso, sitting barefooted in front of the fire place with Thomas and moli, both marveling at the flame's beauty.
" no... I did not come for that..." she walked over, softly removing the glass from an already tipsy Alexander.
" then what did you come fo-" lesso cut her off this time, kissing her and slowly moving to sit on her lap.
" you." She breathed out, panting slightly as Alexander lost balance and fell down completely.
" ouch" she rubbed the back of her head, grimacing at the pain.
" that's all you have to say?" Lesso laughed, leaning down and kissing Alexander once more.
She leaned back up, Alexander chasing her lips and capturing them mid-way.
" we should really take this to the bedroom." Lesso suggested, Alexander moaning softly in response.
The two familiars had already fled, Thomas dragging moli out.
Lesso stood up, pulling Alexander with before picking her up by her thighs and continuing to kiss her.
She took her time getting rid of Alexander's clothing once her back hit the bed, unbuttoning her blouse with care as Alexander got more and more frustrated.
She eventually just ripped her blouse off, not caring about the buttons flying off as she shimmied her way out of her pants.
" just fuck me already lesso, it's not that hard." Lesso chuckled at how desperate she was.
" don't be so desperate my love." She sucked on her neck, biting into the soft skin and moving down.
Alexander pulled lesso's blouse off, starting to unbutton her pants as well before lesso stopped her by grabbing her wrists and trapping them above her head.
" don't do that, else I'll have to punish you." Lesso traced Alexander's jawline with her finger, moving her up the bed and slipping off her heels as she did so.
Alexander moaned at the thought, moving her head to the side to give lesso more space to kiss down her neck.
She reached behind Alexander, unclasping her bra and throwing it away into a corner.
She sat down on her waist, smirking wickedly at alexander who was down at her mercy.
" oh baby, what do you want from mommy?" Alexander's breath hitched, shifting to rub her thighs together.
" words, darling."
" please! Please fuck me mommy!" Alexander moaned shamefully, but she did not feel anything other than lust and want.
" good girl" lesso purred in her ear, riling her up even more and making her buck her hips up.
Lesso pushed Alexander's thighs apart, sliding down her body to sit between her legs.
She wiped off some of the wetness that had gathered on her thighs, leaning over her and placing her fingers into her mouth.
She pushed them far enough so that Alexander would choke, bathing in the feeling of having someone that she could mold into whatever she wanted.
She kissed Alexander once again, after pulling out her fingers.
Her hand moved down, slipping off her underwear and pushing two fingers into her.
Alexander moaned into her mouth, freeing her hands from lesso's grip and losing them in her hair.
" oh! Lesso!" The redhead only went faster, fondling with her breast as she sucked on the other, leaving hickeys all over her chest before moving back up to suck right under her ear.
" cum baby, cum for mommy."


Alexander faintly remembered what had happened last night, flashes of it running though her mind as she traced the scratches her short nails had managed to make on lesso's back.
Images of hearing herself scream lesso's name flew through her head as she slowly turned lesso around to lay on her stomach and sat on her lower back.
She placed her hands on the traces, and just as she was about to heal them, lesso woke up and turned around.
" don't." She pouted, grabbing Alexander's chin and pulling her down to kiss her.
" don't they hurt?"
" but I like it." Lesso shrugged, the woman now tracing the marks she had left on Alexander, from her neck to her thighs, a clear path filled with purple hickeys.
Alexander glanced down, eyes widening in shock.
" lesso!" Lesso shrugged, pulling Alexander to lay flush against her.
" at least let me put on a shirt?" Lesso grumbled something before snapping her fingers, Alexander's torso now clad in a black shirt.
" there."

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