Chapter IIV

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Size comparison for my lil bbs


Also where's my boy's lil floomf on his head man 😭

Still the last day of France boo

That is not my hand idk who's that is.
(No rlly)

Dinner was awkward for Alexander, but only for her

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Dinner was awkward for Alexander, but only for her. -and the bugs, why does nobody talk about the bugs and spiders in eating halls that just watch you eat? It's creepy.-

Lesso continued to tease her with remarks about how red she was, and how flustered she became.

"Easter bunny, please stop being so awkward, it's weird." Lesso tapped the table with her nails, which snapped Alexander out of her thoughts.

"It's nothing Lesso. Hey Dovey? I heard that someone threw a bunch of swords into the lake, if you get me the paperwork i could order them for you?" Dovey smiled, letting a sigh of relief escape her lungs.

"Thank god, i didn't want to burden you with it but if you could? I'll get it to you by tomorrow." Alexander gave her a smile, tilting her head slightly when she Saw Lesso gag at them.

"What's wrong sugar?" Alexander cooed sarcastically, earning a glare from Lesso.

"Get here you little-!" She reached over the table to grab the fairy, who scooted back with a teasing grin.

"Lesso! Don't try harm your girlfriend! That's outrageous!" Lesso turned to her fellow dean with a frown accompanied by a glare.


"Hm? Are you not romantically involved with Alex? Not even interested?" Alexander's ears turned bright red, but she kept her composure.

"Dovey, dear, we're not dating." Dovey frowned, very confused.

"Yeah, as if." Lesso scoffed.

"She's too much of a wussy to even handle my amount of awesomeness" Alexander added with a cheeky smirk, daring Lesso to respond.

"Says you."

"Yeah says me! I'm awesome and the most beautiful of these lands." She winked, but then looked over at Dovey.

"Well, if you didn't take the crown for the most beautiful i would be at least." Dovey flushed red, looking away from Alexander's smile.

"Thank you Alex, you're pretty handsome yourself." Lesso rolled her eyes.

"What? Can't handle my amount of handsomeness? I'm prettier than you and you just can't admit it." Alexander boasted, grinning widely.

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