Chapter fifteen

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" you should talk to her" dovey advised, watching lesso stare at the brunette that was talking to students on the other side of the dining hall.
" about what?" Lesso played dumb, knowing what dovey was hinting at.
" about your crush, lesso, it's painful to watch you two dance around each other!" The woman pleaded, lesso shrugging and placing her chin on her hand as she gazed adoringly at Alexander.
The schoolmaster was wearing her usual black trousers, with a turtleneck and a dark red spencer.
It was getting colder by the day, and with Christmas coming up, everyone was forgetting the cold even existed.
Until you stepped into the never castle, where it's cold all year round.
Lesso had let the students make fires to warm themselves, not wanting them to freeze to death, and had gifted them all piles of wood in their dorms to keep the fire going.
" lesso!" Clarissa snapped her out of her thoughts, gesturing at Alexander who was playfully dancing with one of the princesses.
Lesso glared at the princess, keeping the glare up until they parted and she continued her loving stare.
When she finally stopped staring, Alexander started.
She sat down with some teachers, staring at lesso from the corner of the room.
She tried to ignore the fluttering feeling she got around lesso, but she knew it all too well.
She knew she was in love again, but she wanted so badly not to be.
She wanted to life normally, without a crush on her childhood best friend.
Without the pain she reminded herself of every time she thought such explicit thoughts about the redhead, the pain of heartbreak that she despised so much.
The only thing keeping her from running up to lesso and kissing the living hell out of her, was the fact that she didn't love her back.
Now all she could do was wait, wait until Christmas when she could finally gift lesso anything she wanted without drawing suspicion to herself.

Oh, how she loves Christmas.


Christmas had finally arrived, even the nevers had a good mood when they arrived at the dining hall, where some Evers had gifted all of them daggers.

By some Evers, they mean Alexander and dovey, the former convincing the latter like every year to gift them some kind of weapon, knowing they'd love it.

Alexander, for once, wasn't sure if this Christmas would go as smoothly as all the other years.
Her concern started when a letter arrived for her in the early morning, informing her that her mother would personally leave her castle, -for once- and give her her gift.
Which probably was yet another grimoire, accompanied by some kind of familiar she would be forced to accept into her growing collection.

" once again a wonderful gift." Lesso complimented, wrapping her arms around Alexander from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder as she showed the dagger gifted to her.
It had a dark red handle, with a snake engraved into the blade, and magic lighting up the metal that would cut through anything.
" well, I try my best." Alexander chuckled at lesso's expression, looking like a kid who had just been given a puppy.
" oh how adorably cute you look." Lesso turned her around and glared.
" I am not cute." She pulled Alexander closer, smirking proudly when the woman almost tripped.
" oh shush you-" the fairy was cut off by the doors slamming open, a woman clad in black robes striding in.

Her horns reflected the lights, her venom-green nails wrapped around a wooden staff, and her pale face complimenting her black lipstick.
" what are you doing here malificent!" Dovey exclaimed, rushing to stand in front of the students with Tedros, lesso leaving Alexander's side to bow down to the mistress of evil.
" I'm here for my child, now, who is this... carrot?" She scrunched her nose up at lesso, all the never's slowly looking up from their bow to see how their dean would react.
" I am Leonora les-" malificent rolled her eyes, gesturing at her to shut her up.
" I am here for my daughter, what is not clear about that?! Alexandria!" She yelled the name, Alexander quickly moving to stand before her.
She slightly curtsied, standing still as she stared into malificent's eyes.

" hello mother"


Last one of today I swear

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