Chapter eight

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" You knew Rafal was here, in the school, and you told no one?" Dovey threw her arm out, lesso watching unbothered from her place in her chair.
" Rafael's back?"
" Ah, must have slipped my mind"
Both women answered, Alexander standing besides dovey as the woman had dragged her with.
" I see! The soul of wickedness itself just slipped your mind, Lesso?" Her voice broke, and the nkw furious dovey glared at lesso.
" dovey, she's a never"

" I'm the Dean of the School for Evil, Does that suggest anything to you?" Lesso winked, Alexander's rage enough to cover her blush.
" Yeah, it suggests that nobody in charge here knows what's going on in this stupid place." Agatha blurred out, anemone and Alexander answering at the same time.
" Quiet, Reader!"
" I know what's going on! So does the schoolmaster!" Agatha rolled her eyes.

" Or what? You'll fail me for frowning?" She sarcastically spoke, lesso chuckling.
" Now, what does Rafal want with Sophie?" Dovey returned the attention back to lesso, who was grinning mischievously.
" For Evil to finally win!"

" That's what, That's what you think will happen? Rafal won't help Evil win when he tried to kill the School Master, his own brother, his goal was to destroy the school, both schools, so that he can keep all the magic in the world to himself." Anemone gave a small lesson, the ones she had missed so much ever since she got pulled away from her passion.

" Thank you so much, beauty teacher." Lesso scoffed, crossing her legs.
" Hey, I was the head of the Magical History Department long before you got here, Red!" Anemone spat, lesso not even batting an eye along with Alexander as the other two were astounished for their own reasons.
" You were?"
" Yes!Before this place became insufferably shallow and I was demoted to beautification. Do I look like I give a shit about smiling?" Anemone burst out, Alexander placing a hand on her shoulder.

" Okay, then we have to protect Sophie."

" And we will, as soon as we find her." Alexander shot around, finding the schoolmaster.
" schoolmaster! I'm sorry I'm running late on yesterday's report." She immediately apologized, lesso rolling her eyes.
" calm down child, Sophie is missing, And Anemone is right." He paused to make Alexander stop bowing, " Rafal will destroy this entire school if he joins forces with Sophie."

" Lies." Lesso shot up, holding her cane defensively before her chest.
" All lies! This is just another ploy to have Good win again! He wouldn't do that to us, he wouldn't do that to me." The last part was a soft whisper, but Alexander still heard, and her heart still cracked at the mention of it.
" Trust me, it's not. If my brother is back from the dead, there is a good chance none of us will survive, Lady Lesso." He gestured around, " None of us."
He turned to the rest, giving out orders as if he was made to do so.
" Go find Sophie now. Search both schools." Dovey was first to respond and scurry away.
" Yes, of course!"

" Alexander, search the tower."

" Yes schoolmaster, just give me a minute with lady lesso if I could."


" please tell me you didn't have an affair with Rafal?" Lesso frowned at Alexander.
" why is this your business-"
" tell me lesso! I need to know, please!" She pleaded, hoping lesso would refuse and they could go back to laying in her bed and her brusting into her lessons for unnecessary work.
But, of course, luck was always just out of sight.
" Rafal made me who I am, he forged me into being as evil as I could be. He is my one and only love, now why did you ask me this?" Lesso glared at Alexander, -she seemed to do that a lot lately-, and strode away.
Not a lot could make Alexander cry, but some way or another this... love? That she has harbored for lesso has always brought her to tears.
It's hard pining after one, especially is that one has no interest whatsoever, and most probably sees you as a game, entertainment that she could use 24/7.

It should've stopped ages ago, but, as someone probably has said somewhere, you need to really fully realize before breaking anything of importance.

Lesso just needed to open her eyes for once in her life.


As the schoolmaster requested, Alexander 'searched' the tower.
She did not, in fact, search the tower, instead she was curled up in front of her fireplace as a cat.
She had cried, not even half an hour, before she changed into a cat and curled up close to the fire for sleep.
In her exhaustion, she didn't notice the ruckus a couple floors below, not even when they started yelling, or when the castles collapsed.
She just laid there, still as a mouse, looking as if she died by the light the fire sent over her.
She had been sleeping for about two hours, still going strong, when a sparkle of the fire hit her.
It burned her fur a bit, but she couldn't feel it, so she continued sleeping, only nuzzling further into the blanket she had laid down.
She knew that if the fire sparked the blanket, she wouldn't be burned, but her books would be, that's why she had fire-proof blankets.
When she woke up, a solid half hour later, she stretched, yawned, and made her way out through the window.

She had decided she wanted another book from the library in the school for good so she sneaked up, cautious not to wake anyone.
She slipped into the library through an open window, jumping down.
She stared at the fire, the bright orange flames licking its wood as an invitation.
She caved, shooting over and curling up again, almost falling asleep.
She looked around before she did, and with that she spotted a bundle of puppets.
She cautiously moved closer, sniffing them and recognizing both deans of the schools.
She meowed, tilting her head as she examined the spell.
The cat spotted a book, open and thrown away, in the corner of the room.
She strolled over, pushing the book with her head.
Eventually she got sick of it, turning back and picking the book up.
She sat back down in front of the puppets, reading the open page which contained the spell used on them.
She held her hand over the red glow, her finger glowing bright orange.

" spell-o-puppet, please undo, as your presence is long overdue."

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