Chapter fourteen

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The more lesso watched Alexander, the more she realized she really didn't love her back.
It might've been funny seeing Yuba and Manley break into a drinking battle because Alexander and anemone were saying they both wouldn't win and black out, but it really hurt.

She didn't like the feeling, the pain that came with falling in love was horrifying, and terrible.
She had figured out about what Rafal had done by now, it was as if a blindfold was lifted from her eyes, only to be placed back on with a hole.
Through that hole she could only see Alexander, with her beautiful eyes and heart.

An ever could never love a never

It almost slipped her mind, it was the hard reminder she needed to be pulled back to reality.

Back with anemone and Alexander, the women were watching the two men get drunk while talking.
" so, how are things going between you and red?" Alexander chocked on her drink.
" I'm over her." She denied, glancing over at the redhead who had just stopped staring at her.
" well then you'll need to stop staring for me to believe that." Anemone teased, Alexander zoning out as she stared at lesso.
Anemone tried to get her attention, but nothing worked so she walked away.
Alexander was admiring lesso,earning on her hand as she lazily gazed over at the woman, wishing to call her hers.

Wait- no, I don't like her, she's bad news and she broke your heart once already. Besides, she's a never.

Alexander thought of her mother and how she wished she could be with her, but she probably would make a dramatic entrance soon, it was only November 20, there was no rush.

Your mother's a never, she loved an ever.

She shook her head to get her thoughts in order, stopping her staring and turning to look at the two men still chugging bottles of alcohol.
" shut up Alexander." She grumbled to herself, snatching a bottle of vodka from the two men who protested, receiving a swat on the head.
" hey, Thomas? Alexander looked at the small dragon, who looked up at her lazily.
" I need you to go to my office, this is a frown-up's party." She smiled as the dragon whined, nevertheless flying up and out of an open window.
She took a swig of the bottle, sitting down next to the two deans and chugging half of it.
" Alex! That's bad for you!" Dovey warned, lesso trying to carefully take her liquor away from her, knowing how obsessive fairies get. -especially fire fairies, them and their liquor-
Alexander rolled her eyes at her and rested her head on her shoulder, taking another chug from the bottle.
" I'm just waiting for it to kick in." She clarified for lesso, who simply hummed.

After a short minute, it kicked in, Alexander's head falling into lesso's lap, dark red eyes gazing up at her lovingly.
" I'll- go?" Dovey scurried away, lesso placing a hand on her cheek.
" you are really beautiful." Lesso rose an eyebrow at the compliment.
" I am?"
" you are! I love your hair, so much..." she trialed off, placing the bottle on the ground and reaching up to tug at lesso's hair.
" want me to come closer?" Alexander nodded, still staring at lesso lovingly.
" thank you." Lesso smiled, watching Alexander's lips turn up into a grin.
" I love you, so much." Lesso's eyes widened, Alexander seemingly not noticing because she was drunk.
" but you broke my heart... so now I don't anymore! I'm sure of it!" Alexander beamed, ignoring -or not noticing- the shock on lesso's face.

" Nora?"


Alexander was laying in her bed, in the middle of the night, twisting and turning.
She couldn't find a right spot, she had gotten used to lesso being there.
She gave up, staring at the ceiling as she thought.
" do I love her?" The answer was no, of course not, she broke her heart.
She sat up, slipping out of bed and pulling on a pair of socks and shoes.
She opened the window, quickly flying out and landing on lesso's balcony.
She saw lesso sitting behind her desk, scribbling on papers.
She opened the door quietly, so that she wouldn't scare the dean, and slowly approached.
" lesso?" The redhead shot around, pointing her cane at Alexander.
" bunny, what are you doing here?" Alexander shrugged, watching as lesso sat back down.
She changed into a cat, jumping into her lap and rolling up.
Lesso rolled her eyes and got back to work, writing as she scratched Alexander's head softly, the cat purring in delight.

She did not know how long she was seated there, in pure bliss and with lesso, but she knew that by the time she woke up again, lesso was asleep in the chair.
She didn't change back, just slipped out of the redhead's grasp and dragged a blanket towards the chair.
She jumped back on, draping the blanket over lesso and settling back down on her lap, under the blanket where it was warm and safe.
She shifted to lay closer to lesso's stomach, stiffening when she felt the woman move slightly.
She groaned and continued sleeping, Alexander continuing to try find a comfortable position.
She found one, laying exactly on top of lesso's closed legs with her tail swaying softly by her knees.

Lesso woke up a few hours later, looking down to search for Alexander but finding a blanket with a bubble under it.
She chuckled and lifted the blanket, watching alexander slowly wake up with a yawn and a stretch.
Once she had fully awoken, she changed back, now sitting in lesso's lap with her head resting on her shoulder.
" hey Nora." She mumbled sleepily, lesso patting her back.
" hey lex, how did you sleep?" She used the old nickname subconsciously, and without her knowledge Alexander smiled.
" good, you?"
" I slept perfectly fine" Alexander moved away and stared at lesso, who stared back.
" you said something when you were drunk a few days ago..." lesso trialed off, searching for a sign for her to stop within Alexander's eyes.
" mh? What did I say?" She contemplated if she should confront her, could nevers even get happy endings?

" you said you loved my hair"

" oh, well! I do! So much!"


Take your time to love me, you'll hate me soon enough

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