Chapter eighteen

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It has been three years from then, lesso has been happier than ever, and Alexander was finally free from dovey's teasing.
About two years into their relationship, they both had proposed at the same time, now you both wear the other's ring.
They both still work at the schools, and Alexander had moved into a -for her terms- 'small' mansion.
For lesso it was like a castle, but for Alexander it was a small portion of the houses her mother had gotten for her, and one of the smaller ones.

So, lesso was stressing out because the wedding was about to start and the brunette still was busy with school work.

" that little shit should've been here long ago! Where- there she is! Alexander, where were you!"
" not now love, sit down." Lesso did as told, seeing moli walk behind Alexander with Thomas on his back.
Alexander patted her down for any weapons, pulling out five different sized daggers from her waist band alone, then moving on to her shoes.
" I like this." Lesso smirked as she leaned forwards, watching Alexander kneel.
" shut up love." Lesso kept quiet as she watched Alexander pull out three more daggers from secret compartments in her heels, rolling her eyes at moli who looked at her smugly.
" at least she's marrying me." She smirked at how the lion reacted, lunging for her when she hinted at how his mother had sex with her, only wanting to throw up right there.
" moli, no, go stand with mom." Moli licked her hand and walked off to find malificent, Alexander sighing before sitting down in lesso's lap facing her.
" I know you wanted to do a blood pact...." Lesso's eyes brightened, Alexander grabbing one of the daggers she had placed on the ground.
" so, why not now?" Lesso was quick to snatch the dagger from her, sliding it over her open palm and doing the same to Alexander's.
She held both hands together, kissing Alexander lovingly as blood seeped onto their wedding clothing.
" they'll think we murdered someone." Lesso laughed, Alexander healing their wounds.
" our clothing is black dear, they can't even see it." Alexander pointed at her red blouse, and lesso shrugged.
" we should go." Lesso decided, standing up and supporting Alexander by her thighs.

" let's go!"


It seemed as if life wasn't on their side recently, as could be seen by the blood pouring out of Alexander's chest, too much for a healing spell to work.

Moli tried his best to help, knowing he wouldn't survive if his mother were to die, and Thomas stained his entire body trying to perform his high-class healing spells.
Lesso was kneeling next to her crying, trying to make her healing spells work.
" don't leave me! Don't you dare-" she chocked on a sob, in the corner of her eye seeing Rafal.
" you!" She yelled, pointing at him as she shot up.
" me." Rafal grinned wickedly, malificent already spelling him and making him destroy himself from the inside before lesso could do anything.

Lesso collapsed back besides her dying wife, who had been stabbed by Rafal right after they both had said 'I do'.
Lesso watched the life slowly fade from her eyes, her last words slipping from her lips.
" will death be our last kiss? My love?" Never before was lesso so quick to kiss her, pulling back when she felt her body become limp.
She felt herself weakening, malificent's eyes widening when moli collapsed.
" what did you do?!" She ordered to know, rushing over with tears in her eyes as she took ahold of lesso's hand.
" blood pact." She smiled through her pain, feeling her soul slowly leave her body as she collapsed on top of Alexander's body with moli right behind her.

Thomas stood there, crying his heart out for his adoptive mothers and brother, being consoled by malificent who picked him up and cried along with him.

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