Chapter four

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It was now four in the morning, and Alexander just couldn't fall asleep.
And no, it was not from the coffee.
A certain redhead plagued her mind, like any other day, but this time it was extremely bad.-and hot-
" oh god-" Alexander moaned in annoyance, turning to sleep on her other side when she heard her door creak open.
In the hopes of it being lesso, she near flew out of her room, her hair a mess and just in an oversized blouse, but still ready to welcome the dean with open arms.
She deflated when she saw a black-haired ever standing there, a wound on her side that stained her sleeping gown red.
" um- hello? My name is Agatha, you're miss drageon, right?" Alexander hummed, grabbing the first-aid kit and guiding the teen to sit on the sofa.
" my friend Sophie, she's supposed to be in the good school, not me, my mother's a witch for god's sake!" Alexander almost hit her head against the scissors she held, looking up at Agatha.
" your mother's a witch?" Agatha nodded, hissing when Alex touched the skin around the wound.
" well, there are good witches." The elder woman shrugged, then started cutting through the fabric.
" was it one of the Cupid's?" Agatha hissed again, nodding as she clenched her teeth together.
" I told them they were too aggressive, but no, what does Alex do that is important." She grumbled, disinfecting the gash.
" but Sophie isn't evil! She's the friendliest person I've ever met!" Agatha protested against nothing, Alexander shrugging and listening to her rant on and on about how she was supposed to be in that school.
" just because you came here to convince me to let you guys switch schools says enough for me." Alexander stood up, staring into Agatha's eyes.
" so I'm allowed to go to the evil school and Sophie would go to the good school?" Alexander sighed, sitting down next to Agatha and wrapping an arm around her.
" you are both in the right school, you just need to look straight ahead and not think too much about details, like women-" she shut herself up when Agatha looked at her weirdly and she zoned out.
" anyways," her voice went higher, her ears turning red. " don't let relationships distract you, I made that mistake once, and they just told me it was a simple fling to experiment with sexualities."
" oh, I'm so sorry!" Agatha comforted Alexander, who just chuckled.
" it was back when I was here in school, nothing big. Now, you make sure that friend of yours doesn't charm a prince, the trial is a real bitch to deal with." Just as Agatha went to ask more questions, she disappeared in a bright light.
Alexander returned to bed, the talk clearing up her head enough to fall asleep.


The very next morning, everyone was awake earlier than normal because of the ceremony.
Today the finger glow would be unlocked, so they gifted the students the entire day off to get used to the feeling.
Alexander was seated next to lesso- as always-, but this time her mind was stuck in that one memory of last night.
She could still feel the pleasurable tingles lesso left, the shiver that ran through her spine when her skin left hers.
She loved it, she loved how she could stare at lesso with such expertise that nobody noticed, have excuses to enter her classroom whenever, don't have to deal with people questioning why she's staring because she's the assistant schoolmaster. -she isn't that good at staring unnoticed-
Alexander was snapped back to reality by lesso, who snapped her fingers in her face.
" wake up! We're talking about our names!" Alexander hummed, leaning back and placing her hand on her cheek to hold up her head.
" so, what's yours lesso?" Dovey beamed, smiling like crazy because of the topic.
" Leonora lesso, nothing more." Dovey's smile slightly lessening.
" well that was depressing" Alexander chuckled, lesso glaring at her.
" what's your name then?"
" probably one you'll be screaming tonight" lesso groaned- she could've seen that one coming-, and glared once more.
" please tell me your full name is more than lesso's?" Dovey asked hopefully, lesso acting shocked and offended.
" how dare you Clarissa." Dovey rolled her eyes and looked back at Alexander.
" so?"
" my name is Alexander bunny drageon." Lesso bursted out laughing while dovey cooed.
" that's such a cute middle name."
" what kind of middle name is that!" Lesso laughed out, gripping her cane.
" it's just a middle name lesso, nothing more."
" well Easter bunny, you appear to have unlocked another nickname." Lesso smirked wickedly at Alexander, the tips of her ears turning slightly red.
" you two would be such a cute couple." Dovey's sentence came out of nowhere, shocking Alexander and lesso.
" me? Her? Don't be serious." Lesso scoffed, Alexander shaking her head in agreement.
" besides, that's the straightest thing ever." Lesso rolled her eyes at Alexander's silent jab, knowing fully well the woman thought she was gay when they first met.
" and, she was stupid enough to give me her name." Alexander smugly smiled at lesso, who groaned remembering that time.
" never give your name to a fairy lesso! That's lesson one in magical creatures!"
" I didn't pay attention to magical creatures dovey! I didn't pay attention!"

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