Chapter sixteen

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The whole hall gasped, lesso staring at Alexander with wide eyes, as dovey just frowned.
" hello child, here are my gifts." She handed Alexander an original grimoire, dark purple leather protecting the papers that contained black magic.
" thank you mother." Malificent smiled at her, hugging her before quickly stepping back again.
" now, I found this on my way here." She pouted sarcastically, holding up an albino griffin.
Alexander knew she hadn't just 'found' it, she knew the dark fairy had stolen it away from its mother before it opened its eyes, which were still shut.
The students gasped once more, as not only they were rare, they were near extinct, luckily they could life almost as long as fairies else they already would be.
Alexander gave her a knowing look, malificent simply smirking wickedly and green sparks appeared around the beasts eyes before she thrusted it into Alexander's arms.
The lion opened its eyes, looking up at alexander with adoration only a child could have to their parent.
" oh for fucks sake!" Alexander groaned, malificent cackling.
" don't cuss in front of a child, my child." Malificent stepped closer, patting the beasts head before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
" thank you mother" Alexander muttered, bowing at the cloud before it disappeared.
" what was that?! That's your mother alexander?!" Alexander shrugged, listening to dovey ranting until lesso pulled her away from her with a curious glint in her eyes.
" was that really your mother?" Lesso cupped Alexander's cheeks, the duo not noticing the entire hall staring at them with hope.
" yes?" Lesso grinned.
" why aren't you a never! We could've been such a good duo!" She leaned closer, the entire hall's breath hitching as they leaned forwards in anticipation.
" we weren't?" Lesso shook her head with a laugh.
" we were! But even better..." she trialed off, bumping her nose with Alexander's as the brunette's breath hitched, her cheeks slowly flushing.
" that would've been lovely" the griffin lowly growled at lesso, swatting at her stomach with its claws out.
" hey!" Alexander quickly stepped away from lesso before it could hit her, scolding the lion as it stared up at her innocently.
The entire hall groaned, some students starting to converse with teachers about someone needing to push the two against each other the next time this happened.
" shut up!" Lesso yelled, slamming her cane against the ground and making the lion growl at her again.
" what did I say? Moli, don't." She had already given it a name, but seeing the manes it was clearly a boy.
It grumbled a bit before climbing up Alexander's body, standing on her shoulder and glaring at lesso while puffing out its chest proudly.
Dovey was glaring at lesso for not kissing Alexander, lesso glaring right back, both mentally arguing about it.


Alexander had been decorating the entire day, using her magic to make fires in the never castle that would keep burning, and collapsing on lesso's couch in the middle of the afternoon.
Lesso kept working on her last-minute paperwork, occasionally glancing at Alexander in amusement as moli cuddled into her on her chest.
" he seems to really like you." She eventually decided to sit down next to Alexander, placing a hand on Alexander's.
" he sees me as a mother, there's a difference." Alexander pointed out, lesso slowly leaning down and kissing her nose.
" does that make you a mommy person?" She smirked, watching Alexander flush red.
" I-"
" don't be ashamed, I already know." Alexander glared at her.
" you seem to be more the type, mommy." She smirked at lesso, who's cheeks tinted pink.
" shut up." She grumbled, pushing moli off of alexander and laying down on top of her.
" oh but you are!" Alexander teased, smiling at lesso who groaned and closed her eyes, hiding in the crook of her neck as moli clumped over her and laid in the other side of Alexander's neck.
" sleep well"


The duo rushed into the dining hall together, already late because of their nap.
" look who finally decided to come! You've missed something!" Dovey announced, every student and teacher staring at them as dovey gestured behind them.
They turned around, Alexander flushing and lesso shooting back around to glare at dovey when they saw the entire doorpost covered in mistletoe.
" you have to kiss!" Dovey squealed, lesso rolling her eyes and cupping Alexander's cheeks.
" this is just a small-" lesso was cut off by Alexander, who smashed their lips together and wrapped her arms around lesso's neck.
Her eyes widened in surprise, Alexander's fluttering closed as she bathed in the feeling of love she could only get this once.
She slowly closed her eyes, melting into Alexander's hold and kissing back.
They both pulled away, hearing a huge wave of applaus go through the crowd as Alexander smiled softly at lesso, who turned to look away from her.
She didn't mean it like that, but Alexander thought she did.
The woman's eyes watered, tears welling up inside of them as she slowly stepped away.
" you don't love me.... Do you?" Lesso's eyes widened, looking at Alexander quietly.
She had been quiet for too long, as Alexander scoffed and stepped away further, lesso stepping closer to try close the distance that ached her heart.
" you really- don't love me, do you?" Alexander chocked on her own tears, which were now rolling down her cheeks.
" I've spend so many years loving you, knowing you'd never love me back, but once I thought that maybe-? Maybe you did-" a sob left her throat, clamping a hand over her mouth to prevent others from escaping.
" but you really don't." She turned around and ran away, tears flowing from her cheeks and onto her blouse.
Lesso quietly stood there, frozen in place.
" what the hell lesso!" Dovey exclaimed, throwing her arms up.
" we planned all this just for you to freeze up?!" Hort stupidly yelled, already at the front of the crowd.
" shush hort." Hester stopped him from making any more stupid mistakes, slapping a hand over his mouth.
" but it's true." She shrugged at lesso's glare.
" this is such bullshit! You should've just kissed the woman!" Manley yelled, Yuba yelling a 'yeah' in agreement.
Dovey slowly approached lesso, who looked at her.
She hugged her, lesso's defenses shattering away, tears freely streaming down her cheeks and she hugged dovey back.

" I didn't know what to do Clarissa."
" I know Leonora, I know."

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