Chapter IV

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Why do i have no good pictures of my child 😭😔
Ok so the smol bean is Max, but this is Saar, she's like one of those fishies that cling to the side of an aquarium but instead of an aquarium she clings to humans and needs attention to survive (like me), which i blame on her being a pisces. (I do not know shit abt that)

She is everything but photogenic, and shes my smol bb gworl.
Max is photogenic, he sees a phone pointed at him he's pulling out every lil cute thing he has and he's just like ✨✨✨✨

Like he's the embodiment of the
Idk how to explain it

Also there's this girl in my class and she's so prettyyyyyy

But like bc of my touch of the tism idk if it's platonic or romantic cuz i keep mixin them up and it's getting annoying bc i just want a friend but no no lets be like 'pretty 😍😍😍'

"You knew Rafal was here, in the school! And you told no one?!" Dovey threw her arms out, watching in bewilderment as Lesso looked at her nails, unbothered from her place in her chair

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"You knew Rafal was here, in the school! And you told no one?!" Dovey threw her arms out, watching in bewilderment as Lesso looked at her nails, unbothered from her place in her chair.

"Rafal's back?"

"Ah, must have slipped my mind." Lesso shrugged, Alexander standing in between Emma and Dovey with a dazed expression.

"Can we also do this after i've slept?" Alexander yawned, rubbing her eyes as she turned to return to bed, her blouse buttoned wrong and her hair going haywire.

"No! Get back here you stupid child!" Dovey called her back, Alexander grumbling about 'not being a child'. -indeed i am not a child, i have the mind and the body of a fully grown adult somewhere in her 30s.-


"I see! The very soul of wickedness itself just slipped your mind, Lesso?" She picked up where they left up, her anger spiking up again as she used her hands to accentuate and show exactly how much this got her riled up.

She slapped Alexander somewhere too, but she just groaned and rubbed over it, still in a sleep induced haze.

"Dove, i think that's Lesso, and i think she's a Never if that is Lesso." Alexander pointed at something next to Lesso, but they took it as that she was trying to point at Lesso.

"I don't have my contacts in, Dovey why did you drag me out of bed for this?" Alexander turned to the blonde with a half whine, tugging at her dress as she stood behind her.

"I'm the Dean of the School for Evil, does that suggest anything to you?" Lesso winked, which did nothing to anyone because Alexander just had to be half asleep.

"Yeah, it suggests that nobody in charge here knows what's going on in this stupid place!" Agatha exclaimed as she ran in, Alexander giving her a grin and a thumbs up, but aiming it at something on her right, making her frown and look over her shoulder, then back at Alexander with a look that said 'what drugs are you on?'. -they're prescribed!!!!!-

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