Chapter III

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This used to be our doggo but my grandpa died like 5 years ago (yeehaw that's the cause of my depression) and else she would've been like really depri so we were nice and the doggo went to her and now the doggo only likes her and we're sad but she still loves us just she loves my oma more 😔

I'm currently writing the smut scene in like chapter 18 or smth and i'm actually questioning how i managed to take this long over writing this book, i've been rewriting it for like a week total and i'm almost done. (I forgot abt it)

Also this is my last day in France!!!
I can go be depressed in Enschede again 😍😍😍😍😍

Anyways that's pippa my lil boo
Second oldest but current oldest

Anyways that's pippa my lil booSecond oldest but current oldest

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It was currently.... 4 in the morning, and Alexander desperately needed to go to sleep because she had the entire day filled with classes tomorrow from that idiot of a history teacher that quit on the first day of school because 'sike, not my problem'. -why did you suddenly make me half a history teacher?-

Because you cannot do nothing all day.

It wasn't because of the coffee, a beverage she would gladly accept on the condition it's over 3 quarters alcohol.

Unfortunately, it was a certain redheaded demon that plagued her mind, she was just too annoying to leave her pestering to the day time.

"Oh my god!" She groaned, turning to sleep on her other side with a huff.

In the midst of her delusion, she thought that Lesso had walked in when she heard the door to her office creak open.

She raced out of bed and into her office, her hair sticking out in every direction and in her silk pajama bottoms and sweater, ready to best her up or start making out with her. -<delusion3-

She nearly melted to the floor in relief or annoyance when she saw the raven-haired Ever standing there, injured and with a stained sleeping gown.

"Hello? Miss Drageon?" She spotted the brunette, who let out a sigh of disappointment, falling onto the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Yeah, first aid kit's on the shelf on your left." She waved vaguely towards where the shelf was, Agatha looking around with a frown.

"Um- my friend, Sophie, she's supposed to be in the good school! Not me! My mother's a witch for gods sake!" Alexander groaned as the girl sat down next to her with a pleading look on her face, with the first aid kit next to her as she casually bled out.

"You're saying your mother's a witch?" She urged her to elaborate, sitting up and tugging at her gown to have her take it off, which she did.

"My mom... i don't know, either got killed by someone for being a witch or is doing fine." She shrugged, hissing when Alexander started cleaning the wound with alcohol wipes.

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