Chapter thirteen

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Lesso has been with Alexander, practically non-stop, clinging to her like a koala, but mentally.
She basically neglected her own bed, choosing to stay in Alexander's.
Her relationship with the storian did not get any better, both having a love-hate relationship.
The storian also did not let Alexander see what they were writing, chasing her away whenever she would ask.
" would you like to join me, I'm checking in on the dragon." Lesso looked up from her book, that she was reading from a chair next to the fire.
" sure." She shrugged, Alexander walking to her window and opening it.
Lesso placed her book down, joining her by the window.
" hold on tight." Lesso was confused for a second, yelping when Alexander jumped out of the window, dragging her with.
She pressed her eyes shut, slowly opening them when she felt herself floating.
" wha-"
" stop being so confused, you know I'm a fairy lesso." Lesso nodded, gripping Alexander's waist tightly as they raced through the air.
A shot five minutes later they arrived at a lake, a dragon laying rolled up in the deep part of it.
" hold your breath, this might take a while." Lesso's eyes widened in horror, looking up at Alexander.
" I don't have waterproof-" she couldn't finish, Alexander already diving into the water, quickly signing the dragon to come out of the water, and shooting back out.

" how dare you!" Lesso exclaimed, her soaking wet body involuntarily shivering.
" don't worry lesso, it's just temporary."
" yes but the damage done to my mental sta-" she cut herself off, staring at Alexander as she pulled off her blouse, hanging it to a tree and drying it before pulling it back on.
" consider it forgiven." She closed her mouth, afraid she might drool too much.
" good." Alexander placed a hand on her cheek, lesso's cheeks tinting red, and she used her magic to dry the woman's clothing and hair.
" there you go dear." Lesso tried to fight of her blush, only worsening it.
The bright red dragon emerged out of the water, happily chuffing at Alexander and falling down to roll on its back.
" hey little guy." Alexander approached him, placing a hand on its shoulder and jumping up to its chest.
The dragon looked down at her with wide eyes, filled with happiness and excitement.
" how's it going?" The dragon licked her face, Alexander laughing and wiping away the drool that stuck.

Lesso watched in wonder, did this woman just make friends with a dragon? Not a partnership or a contract?
Well, in a way friendship is a partnership, but a water dragon and a fire fairy? How is that possible?
She thought about the jump she made, she must've used her wings, else she couldn't be capable of jumping that high.
Lesso used a wind spell to propel herself up, landing next to Alexander but getting swatted away by the dragon almost immediately.
Alexander laughed, patting the dragon's snout.
" aren't you just adorable- yes you are!" She grinned like a five-year old getting a puppy, which she probably was.
Lesso let out a sigh, sitting down beneath a tree and staring at Alexander.
" what shall your name be, mh?" The dragon tilted his head, it's dark brown eyes only showing thankfulness.
" you seem like a Thomas, how does that sound?" The dragon, Thomas, licked her once more.
" how about you move even closer, there's a river running between the schools?" She offered, Thomas grinned a weird dragon grin, his body disappearing and Alexander falling down high speed.
She managed to catch herself, but lesso almost had a heart attack.
" don't ever do that again!" She ran over to Alexander, wrapping her arms around her protectively and pulling her closer.
Alexander turned around in her grasp, holding out her arms for the -now- small dragon.
Thomas flew into her arms, hiding into her neck and sticking his tongue out at lesso.
Before she could say anything, the creature lit up slightly, signing it had been bonded with Alexander and was now her familiar.
So she started her insult.
" oh you little-" Alexander turned around and gave her a warning look, lesso innocently smiling.
" beautiful adorable creature?" Alexander rolled her eyes, sprouting her wings from her back and shooting up.
She grabbed onto lesso's wrist to make sure she wouldn't fall, holding Thomas to her chest as she flew through the clouds to the nearing castle.

It was already dark, and dinner would be served in about fifteen minutes.


She set lesso down on the bridge, fixing up her wake-up with magic and touching up her hair before walking away from the stuttering blushing mess she had created.
Lesso joined her again when she was about to walk into the small feast given to celebrate the last day of vacation.
" drageon! Where have you been!" Anemone smiled at lesso, then turned to Alexander and dragged her with, conversing about the dragon that laid asleep in her arms.

She left lesso, leaving her to dovey's torture.
The short woman was quick to attack, immediately shooting questions like, 'have you two kissed?' 'did you adopt that dragon together?' 'Have you two had intercourse-'
With the last one lesso stopped her, the questions getting out of hand.
" no, no, and no. Shut up Clarissa." Lesso rolled her eyes as she moved to the tables, sitting down with dovey talking her ear off.

She looked over at anemone and Alexander, finding them huddled together while glancing at Manley and Yuba, who were getting along for the first time ever.

That wouldn't be for long if those two would keep looking at them.

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